Chapter 20 -GOODBYE-

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Third person continue from last chapter

"Holy shit." Tony muttered staring at Silan whilst helping Sam and Steve up as Clint stumbled over to Natasha. They all had surrounded Wanda and Silan.

Silan smiled at Wanda and the gesture was reciprocated. "Oh god." Silan muttered as she clutched her heart.

She stumbled back slightly and Wanda winced but held her up despite the slight pain.

"What's wrong?" Wanda desperately asked, "the power the gods gave me, it's too much." Silan heaved clutching her heart trying to stop it beating too fast.

"How do we give it back?" Wanda asked clutching Silan as the others were confused on what to do.

"You can't, only my spirit can." Silan said realising what was about to happen. "What no. There has to be another way." Wanda said patting Silans armour trying to help her.

Silan choked on the blood that seeped out her mouth, "hey, hey calm down." Silan said as she laid down slightly on the ground.

"Wait no, how do I help you?" Wand frantically said searching for any herbs on Silans body but came up empty handed.

Silan placed her hand on Wanda's face. "Your eyes... they're so green." Silan muttered weakly.

Wanda POV flashback

"Your eyes...they're so green." Silan muttered tiredly in my bed, sweat covered both of us, I just hummed in question staring directly back at her.

"They're like mountains Phobos and I used to hike when on adventures, your eyes make me feel at home." Silan said gently moving a hair out my face.

"I love your eyes...I love your cute smile...I love yo-" Silan cut herself off. I couldn't help the sheepish smile that uncontrollably took over my face, she was going to say she loved me.

"I'll say it when it's more romantic." Silan whispered kissing my nose.

End of flashback Wanda pov

"This isn't that romantic." I said to Silan chucking at how I knew what she was going to say. The memory had caused my tears to drip onto Silans body.

"I think the times perfect. Wanda Maximoff, I love you, I have said I love you to others but have never meant it in the way I do now. You are the most remarkable, talented and beautiful woman I know. And I know that after my death, you will grieve, and feel angry but just know I'm in the hands on the gods now, and even though they aren't the most ethical... they brought me to you, so I whole heartedly trust them." Silan said as her body spasms slightly before she winced.

I shook her body, she didn't respond and her eyes laid lifeless my open. "What no! I didn't say it back! Wake up." I yelled slamming my fists into her chest. "WAKE UP!" I yelled but Natasha grabbed me.

"I'm sorry, she's gone." She whispered in my ear. Those words made me feel like everything had stopped, the world had stopped, my world had stopped.

How can this happen. She saved me then she died. That's something out of a tragic love story.

Why does this always happen to me, just when I'm on the brink of happiness it's taken from me.

I sobbed as the tears drenched my shirt, I clutched Silans ring that I got her for Christmas . I grabbed it off her when Natasha was taking me to the jet.

I ran a finger over the necklace she got me. All the pain came rushing back, I felt energy itching to be released and I granted it.

I released the energy and watched as all the Avengers flew back. I screamed as I  blasted them all. How could this happen.

"I deserved this." I muttered over and over on the jet tugging at my restraints Tony placed on me. I don't even remember when he did it. Everything was a blur.

"You didn't deserve this...your not a bad person." Clint pursed his lips tears in his eyes.

"Then how come everyone leaves me?"

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