Chapter 15 -ANNIVERSARY-

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I sat in my room gliding the sharpening stone against my spears blade. The cold wind blew against me from my open window.

I got up to shut it, but something caught my eye. It was Wanda, she was kneeling with flowers in front of a grave. I couldn't read the name but I'm guessing it's her brothers.

I crawled from my window and jumped, considering it was only four stories it didn't have an effect on me. I landed one knee in the ground, I got up and dusted myself of the wet grass stains on my leggings.

I knew Wanda knew I was here, but she didn't turn back from the grave, not that I expected she would.

I walked behind her and rested my hand on her back. "This isn't him, he...his body, it's in Sokovia, now what resides at the bottom of the ocean." She said tears slipping out her ears with every word.

I didn't say anything, how could I. I knew what it was like to loose someone it's just I always dealt with it on my own, I never wanted comfort.

"It's like this wave washing over and over again, it knocks me down-" "and when you try to stand up it just comes for you again?" I asked familiar with the feeling. "It's going to drown me." Wanda sobbed and I pulled her into my shoulder.

"No it isn't, it can't all be sorrow can it? I've been alone for a long time, so it's practically all I've ever known. I've experienced a lot of grief and I became immune to the feeling of it. But I can tell you...what is grief if not love persevering?" I said rubbing my hand up and down wandas back as she hugged me.


Wanda and I sat in the tv room both watching sitcoms, she was munching on cereal while I placed herbs on my scars.

"What are you doing?" Wanda croaked out pausing the tv, her voice still hoarse from crying.

"It's used to stop the healing of the scars." I said placing more on my arm. "Why don't you want them to heal?" She asked glancing to the door then tracing a scar that wraps around my forearm.

"They each tell a different battle, the one your touching is when my father asked me to defeat the harpies, the women with wings who are known for being treacherous. I was slashing them down but one of them got her talons on my arm and tried to drag me up towards the sky but I cut her foot off." I relished in the memory.

"It all brings strength, it shows how far I've come, how much I've grown." I said watching as Wanda grabbed some of the herbs and rubbed them on my scars.

"What about these? They don't looks like scars." She asked touching the runes that placed on my stomach, "they are stigma, I believe you call them tattoos. We didn't have the ink." I said looking at Wanda's confused face and moving a hair out her way.

"I never noticed these before." She said confused tracing them, "that's because when you see them it's in the darkness of your room." I explained moving my head down to place a soft kiss on her neck.

She chuckled but quickly pushed me off when the door opened. I looked up to see Sam panting out of breath, "the mission was successful. That hydra guy looks way worse than this." He said gesturing to the cut on his forehead.

He walked to us and grabbed the snacks before walking out. I looked to Wanda to see her watching the tv again.

I knew her and pietro would watch sitcoms together so I tried not to disturb her as I placed more solution on my skin.


I looked down to Wanda who's mouth hung agape as her head rested in the armrest of the couch and her feet in my lap.

I moved her legs softly as I stood up. I picked up Wanda bridal style as she slept and moved through the compound quietly seeing as it was 4 in the morning.

I struggled to open the door and ended up using my foot to push the handle down. I walked to Wanda's bed and placed her down, I wrapped the blanket around her so she was like a burrito.

I stood in front of the door, I turned back, I could stay with her but if Fury were to catch us he wouldn't be impressed. Not that his opinion mattered to me but it mattered to Wanda.

Maybe one day I'll be able to wake up in the same bed as Wanda. One day.

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