Roaring Thunder

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It was a quiet evening in the central domain, I look outside from my castle and reflect on my thoughts.

The brat hasn't died, huh? It will only be a matter of time before things are in my hands, the Dicathians struggle and crumble bit by bit despite their fierce resistance they could only do minor damages, a full fronted assault from the west is enough...

I suddenly see an array of explosions on the left. My head instantly turned and I tried to sharpen my gaze.

So you now decided to show up huh?  I scoffed but angry was beginning to grow inside of me.

After a few seconds came silence but then a violent explosion erupted from another part of the central domain.

And a few more rats to obtain. If sending children to the frontlines isn't enough.

Then suddenly a messenger suddenly manifested in the mirror across my room.

"Lord Agrona, the Central Bank and it's surrounding block was reduced to rubble, the courthouse....."

"Evacuate the the central domain, this brat is going to raze the city and he isn't alone, quickly alert the other domains to raise their securities to max, I have a feeling that this brat is more powerful that I can imagine, showing off such an entrance like that means he's confident, send all the Scythes and Retainers available to this castle, he's after my head and the elf girl. Do it fast, he'll be here in mere minutes..."

"Lord Agrona, the other domains have been hit too. Several infrastructures along with some Relictomb entrances were blocked!" The man said.

"The rebellion has taken part of the action. Relay my orders, report back to me after a while." I tried to hide it but I was livid with rage. Fortunately the man quickly dismissed himself and I made a big bump in the floor.

I exited my room and was met by a group of Asuras. I began walking towards the conference room along with my bodyguards.

"We don't know if he's alone judging by the number of simultaneous attacks, he's targeting key buildings to our city, there is probably a lot of casualties. And the destruction is going to be enormous but we must protect this city no matter the cost." As I say this I suddenly hear rumbling from below the castle.

"He's gone after the elf girl and possibly even Caera Denoir, it won't be long before he reaches us." I clench my fists tight and made my killing intent roam around the room.

After that the portals used exclusively for emergencies inside the room were lit open, the scythes and retainers. However Scythe Seris and her retainer Clyrit were missing from the action, instead were replaced by a messenger who said they were currently fighting Arthur in on the floor where Tessia Eralith was being kept.

"We need to get going then." Elijah said. 

We all agreed and we went to the chamber, a thunderous boom made us go faster traversing the grand hallways and the enormous stairs , soldiers also began rallying with us. 

But as we enter the floor we were met with corpses of soldiers, and I saw strands of amethyst hair, and a chest plate with a hole and had blood on it, assuming to be in possession of the retainer Uto.

"He.....killed them." A soldier said in shock.

"Lord Agrona, the chamber where Caera Denoir was held is also destroyed!" Another guard announced as he burst through the scene.

"He might've not." Elijah said. "If he did kill them as an act of intimidation he should've cut of their heads and placed them in a raised platform. I know how fear works, but there is a possibility than he burnt them to ashes and was only left with these items."

"They could've betrayed us." Cadell intervened his face burrowed in confusion.

"We never know, but with the boy now rampant we need to bolster our defenses. We will need to launch a final assault in Dicathen then withdrew most of the divisions....." I touch the ground as I feel the coarse stone bricks covered in ash.

"Seris was resistant to heat." Cadell added.

"They either turned their back against us or the boy is beyond our control now. Time will tell." I look at the pale moonlight that beamed from the large hole of the side of the chamber. It hasn't been even ten minutes since his attack. He wasn't alone, that's one. I immediately sensed Sylvie's presence, I tried to hijack her body, but every time I did my head hurts.


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