The Art of The Eight Limbs

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(A/N: I'm sorry if the fight scene is going to be a bit clunky, I'm trying to experiment on an MMA style fighting sequence, because you know "The future fight" between you know who and him)

||Arthur Leywin||

I made a move similar that to what I did to Seris a while ago, the only difference is that he was able to react slightly faster and his footwork was nothing short of quick. He tried to block my kick going for an elbow block lowering his right side while holding up his left arm to block the left side of his face, smart of him.

However seeing this I immediately pivoted my body as I prepare to kick with my right leg  down to his thigh but as I did this I realized something.

His skin is rock solid.

I used my left foot to propel myself backwards hoping that he would dash and follow my opening.


So he has the ability to teleport at any given direction? He's quite interesting...

So this, this is fear huh?

Looks like he stepped back showing an opening. Too convenient...

I dashed forward towards him, knowing that he might teleport under my feet I augmented my legs with multiple layers of mana in order to dampen his potential leg sweep. As I prepared for an elbow strike towards his abdomen, he disappeared and I felt sore in my feet despite my reinforcement. I was right about him...

All warfare is based on deception. If you can out think your enemy before he even makes a move, you'd be very sure that you'll win. We may fight in the same style but there's a clear gap on who has more strength and speed than the other.

I tried to stomp him with my right leg but seeing than he disappeared I immediately turned to my left and blocked his jabs. Despite my years of conditioning myself to the point where I am tenacious even without augmentation my arms hurt quite a bit. Never underestimate your opponents after all.

Every strike he did he made sure there was no opening left in his attacks. He was quick and concise on where he would strike. While I was trying to block each attack as fast as I could, while at the same time conserving energy and making sure I don't leave an opening to my footwork.

Jab, Straight
Thigh Kick
Axe Kick to my left face
Downward elbow strike to the nape
Uppercut with his right arm to my abdomen

I won't be able to sense a pattern due to the fact that he changes his location very often and the fact that he targets random weak spots. Predicting his next move was hard, but if I could just find an opening maybe I could hit him.
I may not be able to predict his next move, but I can try to predict what he will do if I do a corresponding action.

"You're very fast, just like they say." I said to him. As I block his barrage of attacks

Switch Teep, blocked by sweeping the foot using the lead hand in a clockwise motion.

"Thanks, I never though I'll be receiving a compliment from you." He replied behind my back, and I proceed to do a spinning back fist which he caught with a left elbow block, however I released mana from my fist, and I hear him wince a bit.


"Respect your enemy and honor his ways. The second you don't is the second you lose." I replied back to him.

"But, I'm not done yet." He said grimly, his eyes widen a bit but his pupils sharpen like those of a lizard.

"Neither am I." I smiled at him and he shot back a face full of resolve. 

As I tried to roundhouse kick his face using my right leg and then he disappeared. Knowing how open my position once I pivoted to face my back using the my right leg and tried a high kick using my left leg, which he grappled. As predicted of him.

I used this moment to spin my back and land a spinning back kick using my heel to his solar plexus and unleashed a technique I've been quite known for. It required me to store a large concentration of mana in my core and immediately release it upon impact, theoretically while it has the enough amount of force to shatter a body in an instant this attack was hard to do as it required me to absorb ambient mana and store it within my core.

A shockwave which cracked the already fragile ground below us shattered and a gust of silver colored mana can be seen dispersing from my left leg.

He was sliding back to some distance while holding his core tightly. He looked pissed, I may not be as fast as him but my attacks can be as potent once it lands. Time to go all out on him.

I charged up my runes and blue lightning began appear in my body, crimson red flames augment every inch of my body. 

||Arthur Leywin||

Despite my ability to read his potential moves it required me a tremendous amount of focus. His kick was very powerful, it was strong enough to kill me if I was still fully human and didn't have this body, fortunately the only damages done were some minor cracked ribs and liver trauma. But the difference between his force type mana arts and my explosive aether bursts were I had more control over mine.

He's going all out, Regis commented.

I proceeded to lower my stance and prepare for his incoming attacks. We exchanged blows for a while, I wanted to tire him out and try to grapple him. 

My primary targets were his ribs and thighs, particularly his left thigh so that
He stood there, despite receiving multiple consecutive thigh kicks and rib punches. I respected him, his training and dedication could only make me imagine what kind of a master he had. But he was weaker than before suffering multiple blows some of which I imbued in lightning magic in order to disrupt and weaken his nervous system.

He looked like he was about to go berserk. His hair grew longer and he now had jet black fog cover his entire arms. He immediately charged forward and went for a double leg takedown.

It was now all about technique and speed. He grabbed my left leg and slowly creeped to my abdomen to get a dominant position, once he did I locked my legs around his waist. A "Guard" so that he wouldn't be able to escape.

He tried to punch me seeing that he was in a mount, I grabbed the two of his arms using left arm to grab his right arm, and my right arm to grab his left arm creating an X, and tried to execute a "Double Armbar". I placed my legs into his shoulders and locked them creating a "High Guard" and setting up a triangle with my thighs trapping his shoulders while my feet are locked around his neck.

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