I Stood Before The Most High

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||Arthur Leywin||

Sylvie landed on a desolate wasteland, there was only a few ambient mana particles left. Elshire, or at least what it used to be, but more importantly we were home again.

"Good to be back huh?" I say as I stared at the almost never-ending valley of ash.

"Where are we?" Caera asked as she hoped down from Sylvie.

"We're at Elshire forest, Caera." Seris responded, after she landed she dusted herself off and was followed by Clyrit who slowly carried Tessia off of Sylvie's back.

"Good thing we all fit." Seris joked a bit "If I remember last time Dicathen is slowly regaining land, you'll be surprised how much territory they hold even without you."

"It's not like I'm the only lance after all." I shrugged at her.

"If I remember correctly a significant portion of the Alcryan army is at the west, they plan to attack at that flank but frequent raids using conventional tactics placed delays on the assault." She said sounding impressed.

So they're using guerilla tactics now? Gramps sure has his ways.

"They must be using underground tunnels then." I responded to Seris, the sky has turned from pitch black to a faint of blue, the sun was about to rise "I'll advance ahead you guys, I'm just dying to see home."

"Me, Clyrit and Caera will stay behind for now, the closest town here is Ashber, I've heard rumors it was your birthplace."

Clyrit seemed to have taken what looked like a sack of some sort. Upon closer inspection it looked like it had several books at it. He must've somehow stolen these off of Agrona's library since it had information containing the Fate edict, making runes, and some even had aether on it.

"Rumors are sometimes true." I replied to Seris as I gazed down the heaps of books.

"Well then, off you go now. We'll be in care for Tessia for a while." Caera said sighing and stretched both her arms. She signaled Clyrit to give her Tessia but Clyrit gave the expression that he only takes orders from Seris herself.

I hoped into Sylvie's back and waved goodbye to the three Alcryans. They waved back in response.

I could see the sun's golden rays shine, it reflected on my wheat hair. Sylvie was ready to flap her wings, she stretched them out revealing a tint of purple inside the flesh, black particles began to leak out of them.

"Arthur, please hold back otherwise you'll destroy the entire western part of the island." Seris advised me

"Don't worry about it. I think one attack is enough." I responded with a smile "Also have this, it's a ring I imbued with Spatial magic, it works just like any communication artifact but no matter the distance each message will reach the other, of course depending on the location there might be delays."

I tossed it to her and it made an audible ring when she snatched it with her hand.

"Well that will certainly be easier for us both." She took the ring and wore it in her left middle finger, it was a black ring that seemed to absorb all light.

"I will admit, this looks awesome." She responded studying the ring closely.

"You're welcome." I said before looking up inthe sky.

Sylvie instantly darted through the air and made a halo of clouds as she went.I felt the cold breeze that was coming from the north, it only needed Sylvieanother large flap to dart across the clouds.

"We're coming home Sylv."

"I figured as much." She replied smiling.

"Can I go all out?" Regis asked excitedly from my core.

"Being able to out a hundred men every second seems like more than going all out." I chortle in response.

||Virion Eralith||
The Alcryan's were routing, I wanted to press on with the attack as we made a substantial blow to their frontline and backlines reducing the number of casters, but something didn't feel right. Then suddenly something rapidly fell from the sky, the ground below us rumbled violently as men were tossed to the ground, a great amount of rubble cloaked the whole battlefield and I immediately felt scorching heat despite being almost behind the army.

"Varay, did you see who attacked?" I asked her as I immediately turned to my right.

"No sir, it's almost as if...."

"A god has descended upon us." I continued, my soul left my body for a split second when I saw the bodies of the all Alcryans in front of us disappeared and not even a pile of ashes remained, all of us were paralyzed and chills went up my spine to see a man in the midst with crevices of the earth all originating from where he stood.

 He looked he was 6'4 feet in height, he had wheat blonde hair white streaks of white, he had this purple aura around him, he wore clothing I could only describe as one fit for a king, and a teal cape with golden accents. In his right forearm were runes that were similar to the Alcryans but it was too foreign to theirs.

He has this aura that made me small, insignificant, and he looked like he could wipe out the Indrath clan with his right hand alone. 

He turned his back and stared at us, his left eye glowed in lavender with symbols that ran from his left cheek down to his neck all colored in golden yellow, while his right eye was golden white with a tinge of blue. He stared at me, locking his cold gaze unto my eyes, I could see a small smile slowly creep into him, the suffocating killing intent disappeared and was replaced with warmth.

"Did you sense it commander?" Varay said in shock.

"The mana, the mana was obeying him without hesitation, he had complete control of it like they were all his servants." I said, beads of sweat began forming on my forehead.

"How do such beings exist?" Varay trailed off as we saw the aftermath of the attack. 

||3rd Person||

"Illusions don't work with me you know?" Arthur said grimly as he faced towards the Alcryan camp. He released a powerful pulse of aether which revealed not a camp, but an army of thirty thousand all wearing jet black armor with shields and spears on their hands while three massive golems made of the finest metal emerged from behind the army.

"As I've figured." Virion said with a hint of anger and relief in his face.

Between Arthur and the sea of Alcryans stood forth a man, or was he a man?

"That Scythe, he's powerful." Regis said as he slowly transformed into a wolf and stood beside Arthur.

They looked at a man who was the same high as Arthur. He had ashen complexion and his hair was gunmetal silver, he only wore hand wraps and some sort of cloth that covered his a part of his feet all the way up to his shins and shorts. 

He had runes etched in his arms and he was considerably fit. His eyes were black in color and he emitted an aura that made Regis and Arthur doubt if he was even a Scythe. He had four horns protruding his head, they angled to resemble the shape of lightning and had crimson red tips that glowed.

"My name is Simbuk. The third High Dragoon at Agrona's disposal." He said increasing the volume of his voice despite Arthur being fifteen meters away from him "I've heard of the legendary lance, I can't believe I'll be fighting him. It is an honor."

He then bowed waist down slowly.

"Well then. Let's get this over with." Arthur replied. 

The cape he wore vanished, the sleeves of his clothes were cut shorter and the length of his pants was now resembling that of shorts. This will help him maneuver more as it gave him extra space for his limbs to move around.


"I'll fight him one on one. You know what to do." 

Regis transformed into gauntlets and shin pads and I took to my stance. Surprisingly my adversary also took the same stance as me.

Looks like you've found your equal, said Regis.

We'll find out, I replied.

Do you need anymore help? Sylvie asked.

Circle above us for now, if things go south just dive bomb on the Alcryans.


Charging up the fate relic was like making a campfire using wet sticks. I deactivated my realmheart, he didn't look like the type to cast long range spells. He looks like a fighter type, let's see if I still got it...

As I prepared to Godstep I saw premonitions and the possible outcomes on what he'll do next.

(A/N: you guys knw when Garou decided to attack King and Garou saw the possible moves King does? Yeah, what Arthur saw was like that

And what he's wearing is basically what Feyrith wore as a DC officer but he keeps his uniform's aiguillette and the collar has red stripes. I'll try to show you guys my drawing of that)

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