Two Souls, One Vessel

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||Tessia Eralith||

There I was, or rather am and will be, at a stand still with nothing but the abyss surrounding me. I couldn't feel anything, see, hear nor touch anything it was like I was stuck on a stasis, a stand still. 

Was it going to be like this forever? My contemplating soul used to ask itself. I wanted to scream, but I didn't feel any emotion, I existed but I didn't feel alive. And there I reflected on everything, my life, my actions, my loved ones...

I felt remorse, I felt sadness, I felt anger. But I couldn't enact it, because I was simply "empty".

But amidst the dark expanse I kept hearing voices, voices from different people with names I discovered by the passing time.

I heard Elijah, no, Nico,
I heard Agrona,
I heard the doctors that tampered with my body in hopes to amalgamate and modify it to stabilize my tumultuous body,
But most importantly I heard my voice, but it was not me speaking. It was her speaking.

The world revolved as I stood still, frozen, trapped...

The hopelessness grew within me like a malignant disease, it didn't take long before I accepted my faith.

Just as I did however, a surprise came into my dark domain. A girl that glowed brightly, contrasting the empty expanse I resided in.

Her face was akin to have some semblance of mine, she looked like a relative but there were key features that differentiated us. She looked more of a human and she was a little less slender than I was, her eyes were shaped sharper in the edges and rounder on the middle while mine were akin to an elf's sharp yet gentle eyes, she had a cream complexion and her hair was a mixture of dusty brown and blonde that fell on her shoulders and the color of her eyes were grey and a little mixture of blue.

"What is this place?" The first words she uttered from her mouth.

"Welcome." I said, but not revealing myself that was within the darkness.

"That voice. The voice of my body, what's going on?" She asked me rapidly scanning around her. Like me before, fear paralyzed my whole body, but unlike me she retained her fear. Mine faded along with every emotion.

"I can get why you're confused, even though you've got a grasp of what you really are. They never told you enough, and hidden some of the stuff that you did know."

"Are you perhaps?" Her eyes widen

"Yes, I'm Tessia Eralith. Finally nice to meet you Cecilia."

"I could feel the hostility in your voice." She replied with a pang of guilt in her tone

"My voice is nothing but a monotonous one, I couldn't blame you on this. You didn't want this life."

"You may be right about that. But to live with Nico again..."

"Nico, Nico, Nico. Is he really the only person you know back then?"

'What do you mean?" As soon as she asked that she dropped on the ground holding her head, I could see her in pain and screamed, she looked like her head was being squeezed by two mountains and her body sunk like stone dropped in a lake.

"PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!" She pleaded to me, trying to muster her voice as pain enveloped her.

"This is not my doing." I simply answered.


My whole body was in pain and I felt like being crushed. It was nauseating, I felt like I was about to die. Countless images flashed before my mind as if they were let loose from being tucked away deep inside my head.

After the jolting pain was over I could now clearly remember most of my memories, puzzles that didn't fit in my thoughts were now cleared of confusion. Grey, he's alive and he's here.

"I wouldn't exactly say he's literally here." Tessia said after reading my thoughts. 

"Were you able to access my consciousness all this time?" I asked her, despite our friendly conversation she hasn't revealed herself yet.

"Are you forgetting who's body you're occupying?", her tone was monotonous but I assumed she was talking with a pang of poison in her voice.

"Ah, forgive me. I forgot, that was merely a jest. But to answer your question, yes. I'm still attached to this body, If I were not I would've been here talking with you now." She clarified.

"I see, I recall having an artifact that I wore. Nico said it prevents something from within me from breaking out. Looks like it was you who I was keeping out." I said, my voice filled with guilt once again.

"Don't worry, I don't blame you." I felt a hand on my left shoulder. I turned around and saw Tess, she was glowing too like I was.

"Thanks." I said smiling. She let go of my shoulder, her hand had this warmth within her. It was soothing while it lasted.

"You've been gone for almost a week now. You're in a state of a coma." She said straightforwardly.

I acknowledged this, because despite the short time I was here I felt the passage of time was fast outside.

"You're currently under the care of Seris, Clyrit and Caera, a friend Arthur made." She continued, informing me of my situation, "Right now we're in Arthur's hometown, Ashber. I've been observing the outside for quite a while and I can say they've done their best to keep us out of harms way and stabilizing the body to ensure our preservation."

"I don't want to sit around and wait. I want to help." I said full with determination.

"I think so likewise. But right now the best you can do to help is to rest for a while, don't over exert and overestimate yourself, a lesson I learned due to experience." She said she reached out her hand towards me, despite having know emotion I could see a genuine smile form in her face.

"You know what to do." She said tilting her head slightly that it points to her arm.

"Wish me luck." I said grabbing her arm.

"Don't worry, you're in good hands. Just remember to play it safe and be a good girl." She advised me.

"I'll bear that in mind." I responded, with that she pulled me up and my mind was suddenly yanked from its sleep. I rose up from a bed I was sleeping on causing Seris and Caera to be startled by my sudden awakening.

"Are you ok?" Seris rushed towards me checking my heartbeat and my temperature.

"Yes I'm fine, just feeling a little light." I responded putting my left hand on my temples.

I then remembered that I had this strange and small coin shaped object behind my nape. I willed mana into my right hand and pried away the artifact with all my might which was anchored deep in my flesh.

I winced as I pull out the object which slowly came out, causing confusion to develop in the faces of Seris and Caera who I signaled to not interfere, after a while I was to get it out of my neck and I dropped on the floor causing three tinkles.

"You've done it." I hear Tessia's voice echo in my mind.

"So, I can finally hear you now." I gladly replied.

"Hear who?" Seris asked me.



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