Some Info

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As I've said most of the geopolitical and demographic numbers in TBATE are really cloudy, it also didn't help that this is the one thing that I've overlooked. DO note that these info are for this fanfic and is not the canon map and information of TBATE, also you don't have to memorize these all because 1.)4k hd quality and 2.)Some of these will not be mentioned anyway so why bother, jk. I also did this is a reference for me, because as you guys already know fighting with weapons and magic isn't the only means of conflict in my fanfic. Here's Dicathen and my Alcryan one is on the making.

The first picture shows the new map of Dicathen, I added modified the landmass, new rivers, a lake, and villages and cities, sorry for the poor quality I'll try to fix this by means of transferring this to a digital format.

Diamonds(Colored with red)=Cities
Black Dots=Towns
Squares=Clustered villages and central mining centers
Red Lines=Roads
Sorry but I'm not adding villages, and the means of income in each province as of now so that the whole thing isn't a mess

For the second pic just focus on the red lines as it is the tunnel network that the Dicathians are using(the total amount of networks established, not the networks that are already established in the current time our latest chapter is in).

You can't have a monarchy without different Barons or Lords supporting the Rulers of the country, the third picture shows the different Lords or Governors, or if you're into Japanese History "Daimyos" of Sapin and Darv. Yes I know Nobles and Barons are a different thing but let's say that there are branches of families in each name. For example, there are three families with the same surname so that means they all come from the same ancestor.

The last MIGHT be the general demographic of the population of each of the tree races. The only official ones are the populations.

I hope you guys enjoyed my show and tell hehe.

As for my source of how big the landmass is. It was hypothesized by reddit user Rugenio that Dicathen was about half of Australia and that Alcrya is probably 2-4 times bigger than the former. I'll stick with the scale

 I'll stick with the scale

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