Words from Above

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I hastily approach the garden where Lord Kezess currently was waiting for me. Audible steps caused by my brisk walking can be heard echoing the wide marble hallways. Arthur is back, and he's obviously leagues more omnipotent than he used to be. Deep thoughts trapped my mind as I blankly continue to walk.

I arrive at the entrance of the pulchritudinous garden filled with glowing flowers and the greenest of plants all arranged in a grand pattern. 

"Lord Kezess, I bear news on the current occurrence on Dicathen - a dire one. Arthur Leywin, has returned and half of the western part of the continent has been reclaimed by them." I informed my lord with a bead of sweat rolling from my forehead knowing his reaction would be somewhat obstructive.

He was sitting on a white Windsor chair along with a glass round table fit for someone taking tea. Which was what he was doing, with me standing firm behind him.

Upon hearing my message he stopped his motion and gently placed down his teacup on a ceramic coaster. He then leaned back from his chair and stood up.

"I see. It is, in fact, dire." With an emphasis on the last word combined with a low growl.
He turned his back and faced me with daggers in his eyes and proceeded to walk.

"With me." He commanded, and I complied.

We met Windsom along the walk and followed us without delay.

"It is a serious matter is it?" Windsom said turning his head on me.

"It is." I confirmed to him.

He responded with a nod and we continue to walk behind the lord.

We arrived at the room, greeted by asuran guards on the large double wooden door, both with intricate carvings and images embed on them. Inside was a room that had a dome as its ceiling, the room was a compliment of white, gold and red. Floating towers of thin glass stand in the middle of the room and the tiles where sparkling marble. With with pillars taking the shape of a dragon surrounding the building.

 Each of the glasses ,that were held in place by golden stands each with a different animal head on the floor before it, directly connected to each of the five clans that Kezess has deep ties to. Activating them would mean something urgent is happening and it would recall five of the great eight clan leaders.

Arthur Lewyin has proven himself to be a great disturbance on the natural hierarchy. Despite his young age I always sensed that he was more than just a boy with extraordinary powers, he was "special" for the lack of a better word.

"I call forth the five of the great eight, powers almighty and and cladded with ethereal souls of order. Heed my call that I may speak to you all, for a formidable agent of change has risen from his fall." The lord invoked a chant and activated the five diamond shaped glasses which hummed and began to hover being coated by blue light on each of their edges. They were all mesmerizing to watch. 

Me and Windsom backed off and excused ourselves and waited outside of the room.

"His return will be spreading like wildfire to the high ranks." Windsom said with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Indeed it will. And he's probably seen the full picture now."

"He's not the type who takes orders. Nor is he the type to be bound to someone."

"Figures as much. But do you really think he wouldn't repay us? I mean, we helped the Dicathians out from their near annihilation, the titan bear was one you gifted to his sister, we trained him in our lands and got him out of his imprisonment. I think he owes us a lot."

"We did the two latter actions because of his ties with lady Sylvia, he was also an interesting boy that had more potential than any other lesser we met besides "them". But you are right, he owes us as we owe him, it will be hard to find out who has the moral high ground."

"And I've also observed something from him. Something that once threatened our balance of power."

"And what is that." He asked me clearly showing his full interest and anticipation to my answer.

"His control over aether is as powerful as the ancient race's."

"Do you propose that he might be trained by what remained of the old race?"

"The world is uncertain my friend. Anything could happen within a seconds notice."

After that short conversation Lord Kezess bolted out of the door. His face half-filled with disappointment.

"Such cowards! Foolish men who do not see the threat that HE possesses! I need you two to convince Arthur to join our side. If he doesn't I'm afraid a three way war would emerge in just a couple of months."

We followed the lord as he loudly storms at the hallways. We entered a room which already had guests in it. The lord's personal informants and generals were present. Windsom excused himself and left us, he might be a diplomat between Indrath and Dicathen but that was his only role.

"Lord Kezess, I've heard of news that a revolution that sparked just recently in Alcrya. I couldn't tell how many but my sources tell that the revolt had many followers already and the have some scythes and nobles on their side." Vish Nundra, The Lord's spy tasked on keeping tabs on Alcrya said. She had a special affinity being in the Frysta Clan, her human form by default is alluring for humans and she has techniques of persuasion and was clever already having three reliable pawns that could feed us information.

(A/N: You guys wanna see her human form?)

Hearing this I saw a small sign of relief take over him and he leaned forward from his chair.

"Good, finally. That maniac's reign will crumble from within, they will become valuable resources in the future. We shall establish negotiations soon, we can't let an opportunity like this go to waste." The lord said with a conniving tone.

"Even with this opportunity our options were still limited. War was already complicated but Arthur going rogue will make things more chaotic, there wasn't also a guarantee whether it was really started by the lesser of Alcrya or if Arthur had involvement with this. Arthur's denial to submit to us is highly likely. My lord, I advise that if the rebels refuse to comply to us we leave them be and focus our efforts on the current war." A general stood up from across the table.

"Very well, we shall discuss this further after we have cleared up anymore urgent matters to discuss." The lord responded scanning his eyes on across the entire staff.

"There will be none left." They all said in unison.

"Understood. From this day forward the fate of the world now rests on our shoulders, the balance of power must not be disturbed. Our goal is clear, and we must achieve it no matter the obstacle. We take out the Vritra, we win the war, and we restore the equilibrium. If Arthur does not comply with us, make no hesitation to dispose of him no matter the cause. A three-way war would only doom the entire planet." 

After the long meeting which might've took days of talking out the countless plans we had made. Me and Lord Kezess exit the room.

"My lord, it is possible that Arthur has already surpassed us in terms of power."

"I know that."

"Should we reawaken the operation?"

"I believe we shall."

A portal appeared in front of us and we entered it. We arrive at a familiar location, an ancient one. There was nothing but the darkest of the void and a large platform populated with broken pillars all in the shade of a gloomy green. We approached the center of the platform and there a coffin emerged from the ground.

"The tomb of the ancient king. We really kept his body fresh, the relics and technique of preservation you recommended worked out."

"I am humbled by your compliment."

The king of the ancient race, his physical corpse covered in runes that made him control aether with far more superiority than us, the same goes to his subjects. We ran countless experiments, research and even abducting scholars before, but our progress was halted.

"Pride took the better of me back then. But there is no place for pride in the battlefield we now face, we're using the lessers anyways. Might as well learn their techniques." The lord said hovering his hand on the corpse.

It was a tedious process but the bestowal of runes involved a series of complex spells and needed an intricate way of construction for it to be effective. It was something Agrona mastered with a hundred years of research, and it was only once that can control mana.

Each rune had its own spell stored in it for a specific use they may have different forms, but it's not the same case for aetheric runes which had distinct symbols to distinguish their branch of aether. Lord Kezess saw interest on those that controlled space and were capable of making aether constructs.

"I think those will fit you my lord." I said as he chose six runes three spatium runes and three that were constructs. 

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