General Assembly

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||3rd Person||

Two hours after the announcement was made a large meeting took place at ground zero(the underground city HQ). The entire General staff summoned along with the Lances, and the Barons who have not pledge their allegiance to Alcrya.

The conference room was filled with some of the leading figures of the Dicathian army.

Shultz Fauvim, head commander and in charge of the Beast Glades frontier. A former lance and a former well renowned AA-class adventurer.

Meliquis Zephyra, head commander of the West frontier. A former elven general of the Second War, the only person who knew besides Varay and Rinia about Virion's sudden campaign.

Orcrad Uten, head commander of all the tunnel raiders and guerilla warfare type infantrymen. A dwarf who's close friends with Marcus Valsik, Chief of the Dicathian Military Logistics. Both renowned as some of the most brilliant minds of the staff, and not without merit.

Blaire Lustru, commanding officer of all adventurer's guild branches. A student of France Glayder, a battle-hardened general of the Second War.

Draldim Eralith, a distant relative of the Eralith nobility that served as Virion's direct advisor alongside Lance Varay Aurae, Elder Dokkobo , Varesy Glory and Rinia Darcassan.

(A/N: I always keep forgetting stuff, I'll post the military structure of Dicathen and Alcrya next or this week, I'll feature the info of the character, the position and their merits)

All were wondering to each other what caused their commander-in-chief to summon them in such a manner. This wasn't the first time a general assembly was made, and they all knew of the serious news it must be knowing that it involves all of them.

Whispering amongst the crowd can be heard across the room, but they all stopped as they see Virion stand in a podium in the middle of the room.

"As you already have heard of, we have taken half of the western frontier despite having such a shortage of manpower required to do it. But in three days we were able to inflict forty five thousand casualties to the enemy while we lost five hundred men."

People turned their heads and began speaking to each other. Virion scanned the area, and he waited for the noise to settle.

He clears his throat and continued.

"I can understand all of your comments despite not being able to hear one clearly, and I also understand the confusion of most of the general staff and lances as to why they were not informed of such a bold move. My sole reason is that a once lost figure has now returned to us and single handedly turned the tide of the battle, he might be called a legend but now he is above that!"

The crowd was in disarray on what they just heard. A single person that was able to change the tide of the war so drastically was a fabled lance that was heralded by the people as a Fallen hero, but most called him a Legend, but there he was right in front of him eyes.

A man with auburn hair and azure eyes with staggering height stepped up, everyone's eyes were on Arthur as he stepped into the podium he could see the eyes of his comrades widen in shock and relief, surprisingly he saw Bairon from the corner of his eyes smile only for it to disappear once he made a short eye contact. He turned towards the crowd and breathed in.

"First of all I just want you all to know that this isn't my true body. I just did this for the sake of people knowing what my appearance once was."

His body peeled off like a second skin and evaporated. His complexion became pale and his hair from an auburn to a pale yellow color, his eyes' pupil transitioned to a golden color.

The crowd was further thrown into disarray but their morale was high. Confusion mixed with hope conquered the whole room. People weren't sure how to react but the sentiment was there.

"Even the darkest of the night withers at the glimmer of light. But we, we have a beacon with us." A noble said astonished.


"My lord, they have taken half of the western continent." A messenger said to me fearfully as I let my some of my intent run wild across the room.

"As expected of him. Good, all according to plan." A smile crept from my face as I internally laugh on how I have just given them a false sense of hope.

"Are you sure they would fall for this?" Nico doubted, protesting.

"Why do you always have to question our lord?" Kiros shot to Nico in a cold and threatening way crossing both his arms and releasing his intent towards him. Nico did the same and they were in the brink of fighting. 

"Break it off. You both are at the presence of our lord and you two fight like children! Wait and let the meeting finish first you twerps." An asura rebuked the two releasing his intent. Luckily none of the stationed guards nor the generals were dead due to the amount of pressure that was emitted. 

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