Unfair Exploits

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||Third Person||

"Well congratulations." Curtis said to Claire as both of them got up and cleared the dust from their clothes.

"Thanks, although the only reason I beaten you is because not only did you tire yourself beating me for ten consecutive rounds, you also got the most training out of all of us." Claire retorted back nudging his shoulder.

"Look on the bright side. You caught me off guard with a body slam." Curtis replied to Claire patting her back and sending her a warm smile, to which she chuckles in response.

"If you used your beast will I don't think I would've stand a chance."

"I was raised by nobles, Claire. Fighting fair was taught to us."

"Well lets call it a day. I hope you guys enjoyed the light training." Arthur announced that they were heading back to their rooms now.

"Light exercise..." Ellie said grimly.

"I may or may not have upped the intensity, I'm sorry." Arthur said sheepishly as he received cold stares from everyone in his team.

"I'm dying to eat dinner now, your training drained my stomach as much as my mana reserves." Curtis commented.

"Sorry for that one, hehe. But in all seriousness the reason why I did that is because you already unlocked blue fire and have a small grasp of lightning magic, that said we only have a limited amount of time so I won't be able to develop any of your skills...." Arthur pondered into a deep state of thinking that made the rest of the team curious.

"Ah, never mind.", he dismissed his thoughts by swaying his right hand "Let's get you guys something to eat then."

Their expressions lighten at the mention of being able to eat.

Somewhere in Alcrya, two hours past midnight.

A man was standing in the edges of the Alcryan continent, his feet anchored in the sands and feeling the foamy waves that went to and from the shore. He looked on the horizon which was overlooked by the pale moonlight. 

After a while he detected two mana signatures and a small boat in the horizon which slowly approach the beach the man stands on.

"Lady Nezera you have arrived." The masked man stretched out his hand at two figures standing on a small boat.

"Thank you." Seris held the hand which helped her step on the shores of Alcrya.

"So how did the week go when I was gone?" Seris asked the masked man,

"My lady, the revolution grows strong as each day passes. We have influenced even some at the military and more nobles. Even those who do not fully accept our ideals have taken our word as an eye opener." He replied enthusiastically.

"You've done well. I heard that you also visited Dicathen, Aselith."

"Indeed I have. I even got a chance to chat with the great lance." His expression full of excitement.

"Oh, good for you then." Clyrit replied with a monotonous voice.

|Three hours ago|

||Seris "Nezera"||

"Do you really think we'd fall for your traps?" An elf said, she had black hair and eyes, I could tell she uses sound magic by the nature of her voice.

"We're hear to cooperate." I hear Clyrit intervene.

"We're not that gullible." The elf replied and the people back her cheered in her favor.

"Will there be something we could provide to you of proof that we're not hostile." I said trying to break the impasse we got ourselves to.

"Nothing." She replied as her expression darkened and she raised her sword and pointed it towards my neck.

I stopped Cylrit from going in front of me. The tension was high on both sides, if only I had thought of this more thoroughly. A bright black disk appeared between us, it's edges bending the space it touches.

"Took you long enough." I sighed at the great timing of Arthur's arrival.

"Do you know her?" I hear the elf interrogate Arthur, with malice still in her eyes as she glances at me.

"She's a friend Aya, please drop your sword. It's not like every Alcrya is on the same boat." He requested.

After a while she seemed to calm down and signaled everyone else to drop their weapons. An earful of whispers followed the clanking steel that signified they dropped their guards.

"So, what's she doing here?" I hear Arthur and Aya talk.

"She's going to help. She just wants to go home after all." He said turning towards me.

"And what makes her trustworthy?" She questioned again, persisting at the thought that we might betray them anytime soon, and I don't blame her intuition. It's only natural.

"Do you think waving them hello would help alleviate the tension?" Clyrit asked me staring at the spearmen with large shields the surrounded us.

"You could try." I replied joking.

He waved at them, even to go as far as break his character and smile at them. The obvious outcome was a deadpan stare.

"You really tried huh?" I said chuckling.

"Alright, Seris, I'm Aya. Nice to meet you." She sighed and reached out her hand.

"I do hope we get along well in the future." I replied warmly shaking her hand.

"Arthur trusts you, but like him you'll have to earn mine too."


||Third Person||

The night was nigh and there was heavy raining, Dicathen was a strange continent to those in Alcrya because most of their cities were far from mountains or shores. 

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