Learn The Past

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"If you don't learn from your past, you're doomed to repeat it."

'Long ago in a time forgotten by the people of the world, was an era of enduring rage and unending wars.

Humankind had been cursed to fight each other in an eternal war. They fought over petty reasons, for performing horrific crimes against one another or for no reason at all other than violence and death. Different factions often tried to better themselves by weakening their enemies so their own military strength could be more significant, only for a greater force to overwhelm them later.

Humanity had a curse, a distasteful and infectious curse that all beings were infected with. One, more powerful than any war.

The curse of Hatred

A potent force that can drive an innocent person to become a beast fueled by rage to hunt down those who wronged them. All the while inflicting more pain, brutality and spreading further Hatred among people.

Hatred was like a tree, and it only continued to grow as more and more people were festered by it. Those who were directly affected by it and those who bared witness to those horrific outbursts of fury, no one was ever safe from it. One may even say it was genetic and could be passed down the generations.

But, what came after Hatred? Most would say healing. They were healing from the pain of their lives and the pain they brought on others. Only an imbecile would believe that it would bring about a stop to Hatred.

What comes after Hatred would be either of the following things- Emptiness, where a person would lose everything that was ever close to them, their own self: the emptiness it brought forth was like an ever-spreading fire with nothing to quench it with or even more Hatred: where the anger would blind people to the truth and make them accept that the world itself was responsible for what happened to them.

Among the humans and their inherited Hatred was a tree. A  tree of massive height and equally enormous power. A tree that was worshipped as a god. This tree had a consciousness of its own, but very few knew the full extent of its intellect. This tree watched as the humans around it fought and murdered each other and cheated on one another for their own gain while turning a blind eye to others.

The tree knew that while humanity had the capacity for good and evil, they overwhelmingly chose the latter option. The tree would often look down upon the humans and be disgusted by what it would see. At times it took pity upon them for their short lives and weakness.

The colossal tree didn't know whether it liked being praised as a god or feared like the Shinigami.  But it did tolerate the level of respect the humans showed it. Even the tree, with all its foresight, knew that one day wisdom would be lost,  hope would diminish, fate would be turned in different directions, and justice would fall. It was merely waiting for that to happen and for humanity to be entirely consumed by Hatred.

Every thousand years, the 'God tree'  bore the fruit of immeasurable power and destruction, a fruit that held its power within. The reasons why one could not lay their hands upon this fruit had been lost to ages.

Thousands of years ago, a man named Tenji was the leader of the Land of Ancestors. He desired for peace and tried to avoid direct confrontation with his opponents to avoid wars being wedged. He wished for a peaceful alliance and negotiations with them. One day he came across a lady who could be considered a goddess at first glance in terms of her beauty.

She wore a white robe with six tomoes in the front and purple lining near her arms. She had beautiful silky and straight hair,  the same colour as that of snow. But what mesmerised him were her eyes.  They were pupil-less, giving off a silvery glow. He saw her gazing at the night sky with such patience. He had not seen this person before in his land, so he spoke to her.

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