A Seal Release

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"What Separates A Man from A Slave?"


He listened to Anko's story from beginning to end; she spoke of her time first meeting with Orochimaru, how excited she had been to be taught by someone like him.

"I regret many things but going with Orochimaru when he betrayed the village is what I regret the most, and if he hadn't abandoned me. I ... I" she stopped feeling tears in her eyes. Naruto put his hands on her shoulder.

"You don't have to continue, I understand it," Naruto spoke with a smile, a real one, a smile he showed to Kurama, and he used to show it to his Uchiha Family.

Anko smiled back, "After he put the Curse Mark on me, he abandoned me, and I returned back to Konoha. The rest is history," She finished wanting to be done with this story as soon as possible.

After she was done, she expected Naruto to look at her with disgust, the same way many still looked at her, but she saw concern and anger, but not directed at her but at the man who did this to her.

"You followed your sensei, the man you thought was right all the time. I don't blame you for that," Naruto spoke.

Anko shook her head in denial, and she knew what she was doing; she had betrayed the village when she chose to follow the Snake; if it weren't for The Third Hokage being merciful to her, she would either be in prison or executed for treason by now.

"Thank You for not looking at me differently Naruto, I appreciate it," she spoke with a smile, her face brightened up like a candle.

Naruto saw something new in her face; she looked different to him suddenly, the air of anger and self-hatred that seemed to be around her all the time seemed to have disappeared.

"Anko, I know you don't know me for long, but I never go back on my word; I always keep it. Therefore I give you my word; I will destroy that seal that has prisoned you for so long," Naruto promised with an open hand where his heart was on his chest.

Anko sighed, knowing there was no way he could actually do anything to help her.

"I appreciate your words Naruto, but this," she spoke as she touched the Seal on her shoulder. "Is a prison I can never get rid off; I made my peace with it, I know you're talented, but Even Jiraiya-sama couldn't do anything to this; all he could do was use a Seal to prevent this one ever to take control of me ever again," She spoke with sadness.

But the face she saw in Naruto wasn't the one she expected.

"You're wrong, and any seal can be destroyed. I will prove it to you." Naruto spoke with confidence.

Anko sighed sadly, knowing her student would not change his mind no matter what she said; all she could do was go along with it and hope he gives up soon and sees that he can't do anything to help her. No one can help me, This is what I deserve for betraying my village, and following that lunatic, Anko thought.

"Very well, but we are still waking up at 7 AM tomorrow to train," Anko said with a chuckle at the end, easing the bad atmosphere around them.

Naruto chuckled before turning to leave. "Good Night Anko," Naruto said, waving his hand at her before disappearing.

"Good Night, Naruto," Anko said after he disappeared, seeing leaves left behind.

Naruto - After Two Months

Another explosion happened inside his house, and Naruto coughed like crazy, another explosion, another failed seal.

He quickly ran and opened the window, letting the smoke outside; he couldn't believe after two months, he still wasn't able to do anything.

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