Jiraiya's Consequences

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It was a warm, sunny day in Konohagakure as Hiruzen Sarutobi, the venerable Third Hokage and God of Shinobi dutifully did the paperwork that sat on his desk. He was slowly making his way through the massive pile that sat on his left, and while the completed stack on his right was growing, he still had a long way to go. Sarutobi sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He reminisced about his younger days when he used to be able to complete all the paperwork much faster.

However, now, as a 68-year-old man, the strain on his chakra was not worthwhile. While still an extremely powerful shinobi, his chakra reserves were depleting as he grew older. He still is one of the most powerful shinobi in the village. He knew his strength was nowhere near his original level. Also, sadly, he did not have much to return home to. His wife died during the Kyuubi attack. His younger son was busy training Shikamaru and Ino, and his eldest son had died. Consequently, he was not hurrying to return to an empty home. But he did want to visit his favorite blonde.

However, Hirzuen cracked a smile as he felt a familiar chakra signature approaching. The window to his left opened as his favorite pupil jumped into his office.

"Ahh, Jiraiya. It is good to see you."

Jiraiya grinned as he leaned against the wall and said, "You too, Sensei. How are you holding up, old man?"

"I am fine. Tired, but fine. The weight of this position weighs heavily on me. I was so enjoying my retirement, but I will persevere."

Jiraiya gave a small smile as he said, "I'm sure you will, Sensei. You always have and always will."

After taking a seat in front of Hiruzen, Jiraiya began, "Anyways, I've come back with some reports from my spy network." Hiruzen gave a hum of acknowledgment, signaling for Jiraiya to continue. "Iwa seems on edge and is eyeing us very carefully. We have still not wholly recovered from the Kyuubi attack. Our shinobi are still only about 60% of what they were before the attack."

Here, Hiruzen looked over to Jiraiya with a frown on his face, frustration evident based on the look in his eyes. Jiraiya raised his hands in a placating manner, "I know, Sensei, I know. Like I said, I know we are not at full strength, so I think you handled it the best you could."

"Moving onto Kumo, things in that village are tense. The Raikage got some severe backlash for that whole incident. My contacts in Kumo said that A was feeling pressure from his shinobi council to raise morale. The young Kage wanted to appear strong after they lost the Third Shinobi World War, a significant amount of their shinobi, and, biggest of all, their Kage. As you know, The Third Raikage was seen as their strongest shinobi, and the population still doesn't seem to A him as strong as his father. So, A approved this mission because he felt his village needed the boost, both in strength and morale. Unfortunately for him, it had the opposite effect. The Kumo Shinobi appear split about 50/50 about whether it was the right decision or not. Some see it as the Raikage trying to strengthen the village, while others are embarrassed and angry their Kage attempted to steal a child and risked war with the Leaf. To further rub salt in the wound, Kumo lost one of their strongest ninjas after Naruto killed him."

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