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Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

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The Following 11 Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 80 (A Burned Flower), Chapter 81 (Hinata's Despair), Chapter 82 (Naruto's First Move), Chapter 83 (Sharingan Vs Sharingan), Chapter 84 (Naruto, The Conqueror), Chapter 85 (Naruto, The Enemy of Shinobi), Chapter 86 (This World is Hell), Chapter 87 (No Way Out), Chapter 88 (The Devil of Humanity), Chapter 89 (A Corpse Should be Left Well Alone), and Chapter 90 (True Horror) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.

"The Winner of the First Match: Rock Lee."

The atmosphere in the stadium was electrifying as the excited audience erupted into a deafening cheer. The name of Lee echoed through the air, resonating like a chant usually reserved for revered celebrities. Amongst the uproar, the ones who had placed their bets on Lee's triumph screamed and vociferously supported him, their voices rising above the rest. It seemed as though their unwavering faith fueled their enthusiasm, causing them to cheer louder than anyone else in the stadium. However, despite Lee's hard-fought victory, an inexplicable hush fell upon the Genin Podium.

Naruto watched as Neji's body was being carried away with a stretcher; if Naruto didn't have his Sharingan, he would have assumed that Neji was dead, but somehow, Neji was still alive, but if his wounds weren't treated right away, Naruto knew Neji would die from blood lost and the many wounds he had in his body, as his Sharingan checked his body carefully, he quickly noticed something.

Ohh, I don't think Hizashi will leave this slide, Naruto thought, knowing that Neji's father would be very displeased by what transpired, and if he somehow learned the whole truth, then Naruto wouldn't be surprised if Hizashi demanded that Neji no longer be in Team 9, even worse, if the Hokage learned the truth, then he was within his right to punish Guy's neglect towards his two other students.

Neglecting of students was very frowned upon everywhere. Naruto instinctively took a hesitant step back, creating some distance between himself and Hinata. His heart sank as he witnessed Hinata's sorrowful cry escape her trembling lips, the sound echoing through the air. As she hastily darted past him, her teardrops glistened in the sunlight. Meanwhile, the group of Konoha Genins stood silently, their gazes fixated on Hinata's retreating figure, empathetically understanding the weight of her despair. Deep within them, a sense of pity engulfed their hearts, knowing none of them could do anything to help her.

"Jeez, I heard that you from Konoha were hardcore, but I never thought you despised each other so much," Omoi commented casually with a lollipop between his lips, his eyes focused mainly on Naruto. Karui nodded alongside him; she didn't really understand why Lee went so far; if it wasn't for Jonin's interference, then Neji would be in a body bag right now, while she herself found Omoi quite annoying sometimes; she would never do anything that causes him any actual harm.

"We usually aren't, we are just like everyone else, we might get annoyed by our fellow Genins, who doesn't after all, but Lee was never supposed to go this far," Naruto commented, letting out a sigh of disappointment, Shikamaru nodded in agreement as did Shino, who was still looking at the direction where Hinata had ran too.

Naruto wondered how Guy was taking all this; he was their Sensei, after all; it was his job to teach them and make sure they got along with one another.

"It's the Jonin's fault," Samui suddenly said with her emotionless voice, eliciting a curious gaze from those gathered around her. Her words resonated within the air, drawing the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Amidst the ambient chatter, Choji, engrossed in his bag of chips, couldn't help but unleash a disgruntled grumble, perturbed by the blame being assigned. Meanwhile, Ino swiftly averted her gaze, unable to hide an unimpressed expression that danced upon her features.

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