A Snake Lady

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"Everyone Thinks they're the Hero of their own Story"

3 Years Later

The sound of fighting was heard throughout the forest of death before an explosion erupted, causing over a hundred clones to disappear; in the center of the newly formed crater stood a nine-year-old Naruto.

Since the Uchiha massacre, Naruto had taken his training from serious to the extreme, so much so that even Kurama told him to slow down a bit.

Since Naruto knew about the Shadow clone secret, he used them every day to read about various things, study Fuinjtsu, Genjutsu, and other things, even read about politics and economy despite hating it, even though a clone did the reading.

The last three years, Naruto had taken upon himself to reach new heights; despite having the potential to become very strong, Naruto knew he needed allies to support him, he couldn't just suddenly announce that he was in charge from now on, would be much easier to have allies.

The only allies that could come to mind were Kumo; since he had noticed the more frequent visits from Kumo Shinobi inside the village, he wondered what it was all about but figured he needed to wait; the only other ally he could think of was Kiri.

A revolution had started on Kiri a year ago, Mizukage had suddenly decided to kill anyone with bloodlines, Naruto had figured out that someone was using Genjutsu on the Mizukage since no one doesn't suddenly decide that he wants to commit genocide.

But that brought up the question, who could achieve such feet? According to Kurama, putting a Jinchuuriki in Genjutsu is hard enough, but a Perfect Jinchuuriki like the Third Mizukage should be straight-up impossible.

On the other hand, Suna was an "ally," but an ally to Konoha, not to him; Naruto thought of a way to make them loyal to him.

He figured he could come up with something sooner rather than later; he knew out of the five Shinobi Villages, Suna was at the bottom, but that village could still be a valuable Ally.

One of the best ways to have an alliance was through marriage, like how Hashirama Senju married Mito Uzumaki.

Naruto decided to think of marriage at a later age, he was still only nine years old, and according to Iruka sensei, they needed to enjoy their childhood before becoming Genin.

When it came to his Mangekyo Sharingan, he was very secretive whenever he used it; all he could do so far was Susanoo and the strange Jutsu against Itachi three years ago.

His Susanoo was quite different from a normal one; according to Madara, he stated that everyone had different Susanoo; it mostly depends on what kind of emotions is primarily to someone.

An Uchiha driven by hatred would have a darker Susanoo, purple, ash color, and even pitch black.

Naruto's Susanoo, on the other hand, was gold except on his chest were the three tomoes of the Sharingan in red color, so far he could only use the Humanoid Susanoo.

It had been three years now, Naruto still visited the graves once a month, leaving fresh flowers and making sure that no one would dare to damage the Graveyard; he had seen Sasuke once.

When the Uchiha had seen Naruto, his glare had intensified so much that Naruto had wondered if Sasuke wanted to attack him.

Thankfully the survivor of the Uchiha clan had left, and from that day, Naruto had not seen him again in the Graveyard.


The sound of a kunai whistling through the air toward him woke him several hours after he fell asleep. "Gaki, aren't you too young to be here? I admire your bravery, but it's forbidden for any shinobi lower than a chunnin to be in this training ground," said a feminine voice.

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