Sorrow and Pain

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"If you cut a man's tongue, you don't prove him a liar. You prove the world that you're afraid of what he might say,"


As his mother disappeared, the blonde felt nothing but loneliness, the bright sun that seemed to shine his face in the darkness slowly disappeared, the corners disappearing under shadows, darkness surrounded him everywhere.

Naruto's dried tears on his cheek, his blue eyes seemed ice cold on the outside, his hands in front of his eyes, the blood of Mikoto-kaa-chan, he knew his hands were clean, no trace of blood, and yet he couldn't stop himself from seeing that, seeing the Blood, Dark Blood.

He kneeled to look closely at something below him, seeing himself underneath, almost seeing himself in a mirror, yet he could feel the water below his feet, almost like standing in the ocean.

His reflection looked... different, with eyes he had never seen before, it looked like The Rinnegan, but it was red like blood, with three tomoe in each ring.

His reflection looked at him and stretched out his hand, almost inviting him to join him, to feel the power he could have, a Power beyond anything.

Naruto tried to feel something around him, yet he couldn't feel the fresh feeling of water, or the life deep inside the ocean, or any wind caressing his body.

"I'm a Failure," Naruto whispered to his reflection; the memory of Shisui flashed in front of his eyes like a flash of light turning off and on.

Protect Itachi

Naruto fell on his knees, his hands below the water slowly started sinking into the darkness, the dark ocean almost calling to him, to accept the darkness, to accept the reality, this world, what was the point of it? To join his reflection.

His whole body started sinking below, the water ice like cold and dark as a starless night. No moon to shine the road, no Sun to warm him. Nothing.

Half of his body sank until he felt a touch from above him, like a fire suddenly shining on his chest, calling to him; a hand grabbed his hand with the sun symbol, forcing him to see up towards the light.

His blue eyes saw his kaa-chan, his tou-chan, his Uchiha family, Kurama everyone who ever loved him.

"Don't ever give up, my son, no matter how things might change, never forget who you are," his tou-chan grabbed his hand, slowly helping him to stand up and not Sink.

"My Sochi, I will always be with you in every step of your journey; you truly are a kind child," his kaa-chan grabbed his hand, his body almost rose above the dark water.

"Take care of Itachi. A Family always sticks together," Shisui spoke with his goofy tone, a bright smile on his face, grabbing his hand rising him further.

"Remember that family are the people who love you," Mikoto-kaa-chan spoke with a beautiful smile; she and Fugaku grabbed his hand as Naruto finally stood back to his feet towards the light.

Opening his eyes, his right hand stretched out, the light hit his face, he squinted and put his hand in front of his eyes, he saw a small figure sitting close to his bed, slowly adjusting to the light, he moved away his hand to see the Dog ANBU sitting close to his bed.

Naruto wondered why he was here, and his eyes saw a white book lying on his lap, his head almost touching his bed.

Naruto understood he had fallen asleep while reading; he tried to move his left hand when he suddenly felt a sharp strike his entire body, like a sudden surge of lightning.

"Don't move yet, Naruto, you went three tails, your body is tired, you should Rest," Kurama suddenly spoke to him, smiling that Naruto didn't feel different to him; he felt the same Naruto.

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