Spies and Enemies

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The Following TEN Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 51 (Writing Exam), Chapter 52 (Forest of Death), Chapter 53 (First Battle), Chapter 54 (Uzumaki Friend), Chapter 55 (Snake Sannin), Chapter 56 (One Tail Vs Seven Tails), Chapter 57 (Sannin vs. Genin), Chapter 58 (Anko's Revenge), Chapter 59 (Preliminary Rounds), and Chapter 60 (Uchiha's Strength) are already available for Patrons.


His team walked inside the room, and they were immediately blasted by multi Killing Intent.

Every genin there releasing their KI, trying to look intimidating; Ino and Shika weren't strangers to powerful KI, especially after being in the same place as someone like Hidan and Kakuzu; Shikamaru yawned, bored already but felt a slight weight around his body.

While Naruto just looked bored, a smirk slowly made his way to his face, and he took a step forward.

"How about we give these people a taste of their own medicine?" Naruto asked Kurama, who smirked slyly.

"Let's see how many won't pass out," Kurama replied menacingly.

After saying that, Naruto released a full blast of KI, causing the concrete and every desk in the room to start creaking, small cracks forming on the surface.

"You call this Killing Intent; my grandma can do better than this," Naruto stated loudly to everyone and released half of his KI taking almost everyone by surprise.

From the added KI, many started feeling dizzy before falling unconscious immediately; their eyes almost popped out from their eye sockets, and their face turned pale, but Naruto noticed a few groups that didn't look affected or less than the others.

His senses spread and found The Shukaku Jinchuuriki glaring at him but keeping his KI in check, his siblings looked pale and were shaking, but Naruto wasn't sure if it was because of him or Gaara. The way his fellow Jinchuuriki was eyeing him, he knew he was already on his hit list.

His senses found the Kumo teams; amongst them was Matatabi Jinchuuriki; Yugito had her eyes on him, a light blush on her cheeks, her tongue licking her red strawberry lips, wetting them. Her legs were slightly crossed, and her eyes almost looked like Matatabi's eyes.

Samui glanced briefly at him but mainly kept a stern look in her eyes; it seemed she knew when to act professional; she kind of reminded Naruto of Anko when she was working, and by working means torture.

Naruto's senses found Fuu's team, she and her teammates; Fuu's eyes found his, her eyes brightening up like a fire.

But then Naruto focused on the Iwa Team across the room, who looked almost wanting to bland in the background and not be noticed. The blonde saw a girl with pink eyes and short dark hair; from the whole team, she looked like the only competent one.

Her eyes were scanning everyone in the room; the blonde noticed she would pause briefly whenever she found someone interesting, and one of them was Naruto.

His eyes found a group of Sound Shinobi from the new village; none of them looked impressive, except they had strange devices attached to their arms and palms.

Naruto wondered where that village came from; he had never heard of it. He figured someone was making some kind of play in the background; he soon decided to figure out as soon as possible whether or not Konoha was the target.

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