Shinra Tensei

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"It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise."

Anko - One Month Later

The Shi no Mori was filled with the noises of combat (Forest of Death). It sounded like two people were fighting with fists and kicks. Anko and Naruto were the two individuals. Anko wasn't wearing her trench coat because she had misplaced it during the battle. As Naruto flew towards her, Anko braced herself. He made a large number of them using the Bunshin (Clone) technique. Anko cursed and remained vigilant. Naruto could now assault her from any angle.

She didn't have to wait long before a streak of fire appeared behind her. She jumped out of the way, exactly as Naruto had instructed. In mid-air, he seized her with a flying tackle. He instantly spun her around and slung her into a tree with a shoulder throw. Anko slammed into the tree and gasped. Naruto smirked with delight at his win until he saw Anko transform into a log. As he was revealed, he cursed, which Anko took advantage of. Four snakes wrapped themselves around Naruto and dragged him to the ground. With a thud, he landed on the ground. Anko drew him closer, and when he was close enough, she pressed a kunai against his throat.

"It's a win for me." Anko spoke up, but in a sleepy tone.

"Okay, you've won! Get these snakes off of me now! When you utilize the Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands), why do you keep using venomous snakes?" Naruto was ecstatic.

"Stop being a baby, please. They're not going to nip at your heels." Anko remarked.

"That's what you said the previous time!" Anko simply smirked and let him go. For a while, the two sat and rested. When she looked at Naruto, she couldn't help but be proud of how far he'd come in just a few months.

His chakra control was far superior to that of his classmates. His taijutsu has also developed significantly. She taught him the fundamentals of the Hebi (Snake) fighting technique, but warned him against using it around Konoha. His ninjutsu was particularly impressive. He was able to do the three academy jutsu as well as a few of others that she demonstrated. He knew the Katon: Ryka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique) and the Doton: Doch Eigyo no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique) (Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique). Last but not least, he was able to detect and dispel genjutsu.

She also enhanced his deception, infiltration techniques, and awareness. Naruto, she could argue, was far superior to even a Chunin like Iruka.

Of course Anko knew Naruto could perhaps beat her but held back everytime against her for some reason.

Anko ate her sweets in delight, it had been a month now, and sometimes she still couldn't believe it, despite feeling free now, she just couldn't explain with words how she felt, since that cursed day, she always felt that someone was spying on her, like an ugly feeling behind her head, as if the monster was still controlling her, despite how many times telling herself that he wasn't here, she couldn't make the feeling disappear, her nightmares didn't help, they keep showing her the night her life became hell, his laughter at her.

And now, Anko felt like a free bird; she felt like she could fly everywhere, even her friends like Kurenai and Yugao had commentaed that her face looked brighter, almost like a sun shining in her face.

Even common people around the village seemed to have noticed her sudden change in attitude, even the Hokage seemed to have noticed it and had asked what had made her so happy.

Anko had wanted to tell the truth, but she had said nothing, Naruto hadn't told her to either tell or not tell the Hokage the truth but Anko knew from the way Naruto acted towards the Kage, him hiding his true strength was a clear sign of her student not trusting them, in A way Anko understood him, the kid was an orphan and the Kage had denied any clan head from adopting Naruto, she knew if her blonde student knew of that information, he would most likely betray the Village.

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