Final Rounds of Chunin Exams Begin!

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Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

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The Following 11 Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 76 (Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 1), Chapter 77 (Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 2), Chapter 78 (Destiny is Just a Word), Chapter 79 (Checkmate), Chapter 80 (A Burned Flower), Chapter 81 (Hinata's Despair), Chapter 82 (Naruto's First Move), Chapter 83 (Sharingan Vs Sharingan), Chapter 84 (Naruto, The Conqueror), Chapter 85 (Naruto, The Enemy of Shinobi), and Chapter 86 (This World is Hell) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.


As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the closed window of his room, Gaara could feel the gentle warmth caressing his face, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow within the confines of his sanctuary. The golden beams, like ethereal messengers, breathed life into every corner, illuminating the room with a soft, radiant glow. A sense of tranquility washed over him, tugging at the corners of his lips, coaxing a small, contented smile to form on his face. His emerald eyes, once burdened by weariness and darkness, now sparkled with renewed vitality as if they had absorbed the very essence of the sun's tender embrace. The haunting shadows that had lingered beneath his eyes, like remnants of past battles, had vanished into the depths of oblivion, leaving no trace of their existence. With newfound energy coursing through his veins, Gaara gracefully rose from his bed, casting aside the disheveled sheets that had cradled him through the night, ready to embrace the day that awaited him beyond the confines of his room.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Gaara slowly rose to his feet. His eyes fixated on the full-length mirror that stood resolutely across the room. Every step he took towards it was filled with anticipation as if he was about to embark on a profound journey.

As he drew closer, the reflection in the mirror came into focus, revealing a transformation that brought him an overwhelming surge of joy. Gone were the dark circles that had haunted his eyes for far too long, replaced by a vibrant radiance that seemed to illuminate his entire being. At that moment, Gaara's heart swelled with indescribable happiness, a feeling so intense that tears welled up in his eyes.

As those tears of joy cascaded down his face, a gentle smile graced his lips as if his soul was celebrating a long-awaited victory. Although he couldn't decipher the exact reason behind this profound emotional release, deep within his heart, Gaara knew that these tears were a testament to the immense happiness that had finally found its way into his life. With a swift motion, he wiped away the tears with his palm.

In the solitude of the empty room, Gaara's voice resonated softly as he uttered heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you, Naruto." Lost in his introspective musings, Gaara's gaze fixated on the swirling sand, effortlessly controlled by the sheer power of his mind. Like a cascade of radiant golden gems, the sand flowed through his fingers, each grain a testament to his evolving strength. At that moment, a question arose within Gaara's mind, a question that stirred his curiosity: How fast could his sand truly move? However, before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, the distant echoes of jubilant cheers reverberated through the walls, permeating the room's silence. It was as if a grand festival had unfolded beyond those walls, captivating Gaara's attention.

Gaara made his way toward the grand window, his fingers eagerly curling around the cool metal handle. As he exerted a gentle force, mingling with the invigorating freshness of the early morning. As the window swung open, a delightful symphony ensued. It was then that Gaara's observant eyes caught sight of a lone emerald leaf, gracefully pirouetting on the wind's whims, finding its way into the sanctuary of his personal space. The elegant curtains, caught in the dance of the breeze, swayed and billowed.

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