A Curse

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Naruto - After Three Months

Another horde of clones rushed towards him like an endless sea. The blonde activated his Sharingan. As the horde rushed towards him, he did a hand sign.

"Fire Style: Dragon Breath,"

A Huge flame shaped like a dragon appeared from his mouth, the size shadowing the whole horde of thousands of clones, his wings spread wide, darkening the entire forest, the heat burning the trees and grass to a crisp.

The dragon flew towards the clones, the clones prepared and used a giant water wall to protect themselves, but the crimson red dragon pierced right through the water wall like a knife through butter. The collision caused a massive explosion of heat, flames and steam.

Naruto activated his first Susanoo stage, and the wind-wave caused the trees to be ripped from their Root, even Naruto had trouble standing still.

The cage Susanoo covered him from the explosion. The steam spread for hundreds of meters; soon the mist spread away, the view cleared in front of him, showing him the land had turned dark, smoke coming from several places around the burned grass, the ground itself had turned red on several places, a glowing red, Naruto understood his flames were so hot that turned the stone to melted rock, the trees were aflame everywhere, Naruto felt sweat rolling down his cheek, despite the Susanoo cage, he could still feel the heat around him, almost suffocating him.

Naruto started hand signs again, finishing it.

"Water Style: Wave Spark"

Water with high pressure came out his mouth, aiming towards the sky; the water reached a hundred meters before it fell down like a calming rain.

Naruto cancelled his Susanoo and felt the rain wet his skin, his clothes got wet, but Naruto didn't mind, he saw the fire going away, smoke spread around, it didn't take long, and the fire and smoke disappeared, lava had turned to the black ground.

Naruto did more hand signs to regrow the trees that were burned.

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence,"

Trees after trees regrow from the ground, every tree and grass regrow around, making the forest look just as before he started training.

Doing a single hand sign, he made the seal Barrier around the area disappear. The barrier worked that no damage would be caused outside; the barrier worked to alarm him if anyone was getting close to his location, to disguise what he was doing, from outside one would just see an empty forest. The final thing, it hides the Chakra from coming out; this seal would hide even Kurama's chakra from being detected from outside.

Returning to his home, he started preparing food for himself and perhaps a certain Snake lady.

It had been three months now, Naruto had trained with her several times, and even took her to eat ramen with him in Ichiraku Ramen.

One time Kakashi-sensei joined them, late as always, and his reason was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.

"I'm sorry while coming here. I remembered that I had forgotten to drop the water on the toilet,"

Both Anko and Naruto had said nothing for several minutes, looking at him as if he was an alien.

When Anko returned from her first report, she found Naruto eating some fish for dinner. He quickly took out some more fish and prepared them so she could have dinner as well. Anko didn't need to be told twice, and she gratefully accepted the meal. Over the meal, she told him about her day and about everything that happened. But then she gave him the book on sealing and told him the message the Hokage had given her.

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