Uzumaki Clan

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"Not all Treasure, is Silver and Gold"


He stood motionless; the woman in front of him shined like a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

"Wh-who are you?" Naruto asked, stuttering, barely holding himself from breaking down; her chakra felt so familiar, and her face.

Naruto knew he had never seen her ever before, and yet she felt so familiar; her presence alone was warm and welcoming, her smile sweet and gentle.

"Minato-kun told you nothing of me," she spoke with a kind tone, her smile beaming like a sun in a dark night.

Naruto felt tears almost falling down from his eye, and his head slowly looked downwards; it was shame, Naruto didn't know.

"I guess he wanted me to introduce myself, not ruin the surprise, I'm..." Kushina stopped as Naruto threw his arms around, crying on her shoulder.

"I-I ha-have wanted to me you fo-for so long..." Naruto kept crying, Kushina patting his back, kissing his cheek; her son had grown from the baby she saw the first time.

"I'm here, my son," she spoke sweetly; her tone reminded him so much of Mikoto-chan; it was the same tone she used whenever she talked with him.

After minutes of silence, Naruto slowly pulled away, not daring even to blink, he was sure this was a dream and thought if he blinked, she would disappear, and he would be alone again.

"Let me look at you," she said, grinning, her finger on his chin, her violet eyes looking at his face from every angle, her eyes analyzing every part of his face.

"You have your father's eyes and hair, but your cheekbone and everything else is all Mine," She spoke happily, giving Naruto another kiss but noticing her son had been quiet and was even avoiding her eyes.

Kushina kneeled on the floor, her finger touched his face looking down at his feet, looking up again, Kushina saw tears rolling down his cheek, Naruto swallowing and trying to hold them back.

"What's wrong, Sochi?" She asked, concerned and making him lean closer to her.

"I-I failed Kaa-chan, I - I -I..." Kushina stopped him from talking; she hugged him close, heartbroken for her little boy; she was only six years old and yet so much weight under his shoulder.

"You haven't failed anyone; it is not your fault," she spoke in his ear, caressing his hair, hoping to convince him that everything that happened was not his fault.

Naruto shook his head in denial; if only he had been stronger if only I could have been stronger, Naruto said to himself, he would never allow his family to die; he would have done something to prevent it from happening.

Naruto stood silent before he backed away and looked at his mother; a part of him still couldn't believe she was here.

"How are you here?" Naruto asked with a small smile on his face.

"Minato-kun, he sealed a small part of my chakra in your seal so that we could talk; I always wanted to meet you, my little sunshine," She spoke smiling, knowing she couldn't be here with him for that much longer.

Naruto stood silent as he felt a wave of happiness, last time he felt like this was when Mikoto-chan told him he could call her...

Naruto shook his head as if trying to shake away that memory; he couldn't think of her right now, deciding to ease the tension between them; Naruto smiled brightly at his mother.

"Kaa-chan, I always wanted to ask... how did you meet Tou-chan," Naruto said smiling, his eyes shining like a sun again.

Kushina smiled, happy that her son wanted to know about her; a part of her had always been afraid that Naruto would be angry and maybe even hate her, not that she could blame him if that were the case.

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