A Feeling of Belonging

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"Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace."

"Hey! what's a kid doing here?" A smooth voice questioned.

Naruto whipped around; he had been so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed the faint chakra signature of the new speaker.

The new arrival appeared to be a freshly minted Chunin with short black curly hair, long girly eyelashes, and coal dark eyes. They were also wearing the standard navy Uchiha shirt and tan shorts with the customary fan crest stitched on the back of the shirt.

"Uh! Nothing!" Naruto squeaked still slightly out of it.

The stranger tilted his head to the side and smirked, "Sure, kid. What are you doing here? Don't you know training grounds are off-limits for civilians?"

"I was just exploring! I'm going to be a Shinobi too!"

"Hoh... A little sunshine like you wants to be a Shinobi, too, huh? Don't you know that Shinobi follow the rules?"

"Ah, but even the best Shinobi know that some rules are made to be broken, at times."

"Hahaha! I like you, kid! I'm Uchiha Shisui! What's your name?"

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! It's nice to meet you, Shisui-San."

"Oh ho, respectful little brat, aren't you? Since you're here, might as well make the most of it and spar with me hm?"

"Spar? With you? Are you sure?"

"Sure, sunshine, let's see what you've got!"

"Alright! But you better take me seriously!"

"Hahaha! We'll see!" With those words, Shisui settled into the basic Uchiha Interceptor stance. Naruto himself decided to settle on the basic academy stance even though he knew many other taijutsu styles.

"Taijutsu only?" Naruto asked.

"Of course, sunshine!"

"I'm going to make you take that name back, you know?"

"Bring it. Sunshine."

And so Naruto brought it. Making the seal of confrontation, which Shisui returned, he quickly rushed Shisui in a burst of speed. Naruto threw a quick jab to Shisui's chest. The jab was simply sidestepped, and Shisui retaliated with a leg sweep. Naruto jumped over the sweep while Shisui capitalised that he couldn't dodge with a spinning backhand. Naruto narrowly blocked the blow but was sent flying towards a tree. Flipping around mid-air and pushing off the tree, Naruto rushed at Shisui with a flying kick. Shisui dodged again, letting Naruto pass by and taking the opportunity to aim a jab towards Naruto's ribs. Naruto took the hit intentionally, remaining cautious in showing what he could do.

Both fighters had similar thoughts racing through their minds

'He's fast! Really fast!' Naruto sprung up again and snapped his right leg out in a high kick aimed at Shisui's face; Shisui caught Naruto's leg and threw him to the side using his superior strength.

'Strong! It seems I can take this a little seriously.' Naruto thought.

Picking himself off the ground, Naruto was determined to at least get rid of the annoying nickname; he sent a flurry of blows towards Shisui, increasing his speed subtly as he went. Shisui narrowly dodged around each punch, sweat dropping as he went.

'Did this kid just get even faster? It looks like I have to up my game! He might just give me a workout!' Shisui let himself be pressed backwards until his back hit a tree.

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