Writing Exam

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Everyone went quiet for a moment, then suddenly rushed to take a seat; Naruto sat in a chair and just waited for the exam to start, taking his seat; he saw that the person who took the seat at his table was none other than Yugito.

Five minutes later, all of the Genins had been seated in their pre-designated seats, completely separating the members of each team. He was stealing glances around him to try and map the seating system of the room. He noted many Konoha Chunin all around the room, sitting in chairs and intently watching every Genin. At that moment, Ibiki Morino, their examiner, coughed, gaining attention from every participant.

"Listen closely. There are many important rules for this first test. I'll write them on the board while explaining them. However, questions are not allowed." He looked over the nervous Genin and grinned mercilessly.

"The first rule: all participants start with 10 points, corresponding with ten questions in the test. This test uses a subtraction system, meaning if you answer all questions correctly, you'll end up with ten points. For any failed question, you lose one point. The second rule: this is a team test. Your passing is based on the combined score of your teammates. The third rule: anyone caught cheating during the exam will have two points subtracted for every offense. For that purpose, we have testing officers spread all around the room. If you lose all your points for cheating, you'll be asked to leave." Ibiki explained his hand with the chalk moving up and down the board. Naruto was listening closely to the speech with a frown.

"You have to realize that the ones who are pathetic enough to get caught cheating will be destroying themselves. As shinobi trying to achieve the level of Chunin, be proud ninjas. Oh, and the final rule: those that lose all their points, either by getting caught cheating or failing to answer, will be failed along with their teammates."

The last rule caused the whole room to break out in sweat and murmurs, Sakura furiously banging her head on the desk and even Sasuke widening his eyes in surprise. Naruto recalled one piece of information he had heard from Anko before concerning Ibiki Morino, his current examiner.

'Ibiki Morino: the best and, at the same time, worst interrogator of the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force... what the hell is this kind of person doing here?'

"The exam will last one hour. You can turn the tests around and begin!"

Naruto hastily glanced at the test and read the first question.

'You are in a situation where the enemy used Wind Release: Great Sickle Weasel jutsu against you, and the only jutsu in your arsenal is Fire Release: Great Fireball jutsu. Will you be able to win? Explain... the hell? What kind of question is that? It's too hard for a Genin. Of course, the fire element is stronger against the wind. However, you have to take the level of the technique into account. If the Wind jutsu is a higher rank, then you can win, but only then. The Great Fireball is a C-rank but can be stronger the more influential the user who uses it... But still, the problem doesn't specify how strong the user is, so the answer is the Fire Jutsu.

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