The Good Times

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"Love is a poison. A Sweet Poison, Yes, But it will kill you all the same"


He made his way towards the Academy; he still remembered the first day, thankfully Shikamaru and Choji were there; he thought back to The first day of the Academy a year ago.

Inside, Naruto found that he was the third person to arrive; looking over towards the back, he saw a boy with an oversized green jacket and sunglasses. "He must be shy or something to hide in a jacket like that," Naruto thought.

By the window, he looked over the other occupant, a raven-haired boy in a navy blue shirt and tan shorts with a fan symbol on his back, "So the emo had decided to grace us with his presence".

Taking a seat in the middle of the classroom, he waited for everyone else to arrive. Meanwhile, he went through his backpack to make sure he had all of his books and utensils.

Kids started to rush in, not wanting to be late for the first day. Sitting in the same booth as him to his right was a dark-haired boy with a ponytail that oddly resembled a pineapple, looking like he just woke up for the first time in his life. Next to him and further down in the rightmost spot was a chubby kid with swirls on his cheeks happily munching on what he guessed was barbecue chips if the smell was anything to go by.

Looking up from his row mates, he saw a man in standard Chunin clothing with a horizontal scar along his nose.

Iruka cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "Welcome to your first day at the Academy, my name is Iruka Umino, and I will be your sensei until you graduate. Congratulations on passing the entrance exam and taking the first steps in becoming a leaf shinobi. Note, however, that it only gets harder from here. Today will be an introduction day with several tests—" Some of the students started to groan, Iruka shot them all a glare. "-as I was saying, several tests to see where everyone's at." After explaining the daily schedule for normal Academy days and the tests, they will be doing today, Iruka starts passing around the written tests to everyone.

Iruka looks to see if everyone has a test and nods to himself. "Okay, you will have one hour to complete this to the best of your knowledge. The test goes over information that was in the textbook you were given two weeks ago after the entrance exam; begin!"

Naruto picked up his pencil and started on his test; after looking over the questions, he smiled to himself; it seemed as though all that reading paid off. After Iruka called for everyone to hand in their test, Naruto nodded, happy with his answers.

Iruka organised the stack of papers before he noticed that it was time for lunch. "Now you all are dismissed for lunch, and you have one hour to be back here, don't be late!"

Naruto followed the other students outside to the lunch area; looking around for a spot to eat, he decided to sit under a tree that didn't have anyone nearby. He opened his bag that had his lunch inside, and he had prepared a homemade sandwich with stake, followed by tomatoes that he didn't like much, but Mikoto-chan told him many times that he needed to eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

The two people Naruto sat next to in the classroom walked up to him as he opened his bag.

"Hi, my name is Choji; this is Shikamaru. Can we sit with you?" A smiling Choji asks while gesturing to the bored-looking Shikamaru next to him.

"Hello, I'm Naruto; you can sit if you want," Naruto said while internally happy that they wanted to eat with him.

"So, what did you two think about the test?" Asked Naruto, he was curious if he was the only one to read over the textbook before class.

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