Naruto's First Move

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The Following 11 Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 83 (Sharingan Vs Sharingan), Chapter  84 (Naruto, The Conqueror), Chapter 85 (Naruto, The Enemy of Shinobi),  Chapter 86 (This World is Hell), Chapter 87 (No Way Out), Chapter 88  (The Devil of Humanity), Chapter 89 (A Corpse Should be Left Well  Alone), Chapter 90 (True Horror), Chapter 91 (No Longer Behind Your  Shadow), Chapter 92 (Hashirama Vs Naruto: The Fight of Heirs), and Chapter 93 (Where Does It End?) are already available for Patrons.

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A splash of blood flew in the air as Hinata's screams echoed in the whole stadium.

Hinata desperately reached for her injured right eye, using her trembling hand to swiftly shield it from the gushing bloodstream. The relentless flow of blood showed no signs of abating, intensifying her fear and causing her to lose her balance. Collapsing onto the ground, she lay flat on her back. Tears cascaded down her cheeks from her left eye, and searing pain engulfed her entire being. The sensation was akin to her entire head being consumed by an inferno, each nerve, each sinew screaming in torment. Despite the excruciating anguish, Hinata found solace in the pressure applied by her trembling hand against the remnants of her once-intact right eye, silently praying for the pain to dissipate and the macabre scene to vanish. She let out another scream of pain as she crawled back; her left eye could hardly make the details of things in front of her; everything appeared fuzzy.

But Hinata's eye slowly focused on Temari, who was limping towards her. The kunai on her hand was dripping blood on the ground; fear gripped Hinata; she felt frozen. She wanted to scream for help, to scream for her mother to save her, for her father to save her, but the words died in her throat as another jolt of sharp pain shot through her body; her hand kept pressing against her wounded face, so tightly that Hinata felt like her hand was attached to her face.

"Yo-you truly are f-foolish, and t-to think you almost w-won—" Temari's words died in her throat as she suddenly collapsed on her knees, overwhelmed by an intense wave of pain that coursed through her abdomen. Hinata watched while Temari expelled a violent wave of blood from her mouth. The kunai slipped from Temari's trembling hand, unheeded, as her other hand instinctively gripped her stomach, attempting to alleviate the excruciating torment. The blood that escaped her lips had an unsettling appearance, its usual vibrant red hue replaced by an ominous dark shade, marring the ground with an eerie darkness.

Suddenly, Temari fell on her stomach, unmoving, for someone she appeared dead, but Hinata's left Byakugan could see that her heart was still beating, but her chakra system was all messed up; her left Byakugan suddenly turned bluish before turning back to normal white.

Suddenly, another jolt of pain shot through Hinata. She heard someone calling her name, but she couldn't tell who it was as darkness embraced her.


"Hinata!!" Kurenai cried out in distress when the Suna whore had delivered the attack; when Kurenai had heard Hinata's scream of pain, she had been frozen in place, her entire body had gone cold, but her hands had gripped the iron railings so hard, making them crack like ice under the pressure.

Once she regained her composure, Kurenai wasted no time. Jumping over the railings, she heard Asuma calling out her name, but she didn't stay to listen. Her girl was in danger, and she would never just stay put and allow her to die; Chunin Exams Rules be damned.

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