Preliminary Round Ends

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"No one can know the Future, whatever you were right or wrong is up to you to decide. The only thing all of us can do is make the choice we will regret the least." - Levi Ackerman

Round 13

"Are both fighters ready?" Hayate asked the two in front of him.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready," Ino said confidently as she cracked her knuckles.

"Mmph, this match is gonna be a piece of cake." Kankuro said mockingly as he unstrapped the supposed 'puppet' from his back while Ino scowled at his comment.

"Then let the Twelfth Match of the preliminary.........begin!"

When Hayate commenced the fight, Ino immediately got in her stance.

"I Will make you eat your own words, you will see just how wrong you were by mocking me." Kankuro commented as he took the bandaged-up object off of his back. "No need to rush. I'll finish you up quickly anyway."

Asuma observed the scene below before he began to talk to Naruto. "Tell me, Naruto, do you think Ino will win?" He asked, holding the cigarette between his index and middle finger.

"I have never seen Kankuro fight before, but if Ino uses her brains, she will win," Naruto replied, his eyes on the duel. Shikamaru nodded along as Asuma looked at Ino with a little concern.

"Ino, win this battle for me, don't forget about all the money I have betted on you guys," Asuma shouted, making everyone look at him weirdly, especially The Third Hokage, who could do nothing but sigh. His son was still a gambler.

"Asuma-kun, you shouldn't bet on your own students!" Kurenai shouted angrily at him, she knew he liked to gamble, but this was ridiculous, completely forgetting that she called him 'Kun' instead of 'San,' something a few noticed right away.

"Now, now, Kurenai, this is not a bet. This is an investment for the future." Asuma said with a puff, as if proud of himself.

Kurenai glared while a few thought that Asuma had a few screws loose. Ino let out a long sigh. "Thank you for the encouragement, sensei," she said dryly, not really meaning any of her words.

"Whenever you want. I'm always at your service." Asuma boasted, with Shika and Naruto rolling their eyes so hard, almost to the back of their heads.

What a role model, they both thought.

Back to the fight

Ino looked at her opponent, quietly observing both him and the bandaged object at his side.

"Before we can start fighting, can I fight the real one. I'm not interested on fighting a doll," Ino commented, with a glare towards the Suna Shinobi.

Kankuro felt a little uneasy when he heard that, but he didn't let it show. "Oh? Is t-that r-right, you little bitch?" He replied, mocking her to get in her head.

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