Anko's Revenge

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Hello Drinor here, If  you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier,  just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

The Following ELEVEN Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 59 (Preliminary Rounds), Chapter 60  (Uchiha's Strength), Chapter 61 (Fuu's Strength), Chapter 62 (Hinata's  Fear), Chapter 63 (Blue Flames of Yugito), Chapter 64 (Kurotsuchi's  Revenge), Chapter 65 (Preliminary Rounds Ends), Chapter 66 (Samui's Pleasure), Chapter 67 (Jiraiya's Consequences), Chapter 68 (A Night to Remember), and Chapter 69 (Shukaku Vs Naruto) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.


Anko would be the first to say that meeting Orochimaru was weird. The weirdest, really. From what she's heard, Orochimaru is the scariest motherfucker ever to live, and he's strange and probably conducts illegal experiments under Konoha. Still, no one can convince the Hokage of anything. So, really, upon meeting him, Anko kind of expected to be killed simply for existing.

Only that's the opposite of what Orochimaru does. Rather, he ensures she survives. It's... No one's ever done such a thing for her before. Anko doesn't expect anyone to either. She assumes it was just a one-off thing.

It was not a one-off thing.

With new genins having graduated from the Academy, Anko's been pushed closer to the war front. She now works as a messenger between various bases within Konoha-controlled land. It is, by far, more dangerous, and now she works alone. She's gotten faster and figured out better ways to lay down traps now, but that doesn't keep her safe.

Due to how often she's moving and how close to the frontlines she is, it doesn't surprise Anko that she comes across many frontline ninjas. Most of them she's heard of, their actions being listened to back home in Konoha. Still, she's surprised when she comes across Orochimaru yet again.

This time, however, he looks a lot less put together. His hair has been twisted up into a bun with spiked wire caught throughout it. Dirt and blood cover him, and rips on the edges decorate his clothes. He looks exhausted, too, from where he's leaning against a tree, eyes closed and looking half-asleep.

"Never seen the sannin before?" Someone gruffly says from beside her. Anko doesn't startle, but her hand might grip the hilt of a kunai before she relaxes. She turns to face the kunoichi, who looks just as dirty and haggard as Orochimaru.

"I met him in Konoha," Anko says, which is close enough to the truth that nothing else matters. "He, uh, looked different, then."

The kunoichi laughs, a bitter scoff leaving her lips. "Welcome to the war, kid," she says. "Appearances go to shit out here, no matter how much you try. Even Orochimaru-sama knows that."

"And Orochimaru-sama is trying to sleep," the ninja in question says, opening one golden eye to stare at them. "Your talking doesn't help."

Rolling her eyes, the kunoichi replies, "If you were trying to sleep, it wouldn't matter. You'd be out of it. Besides, no way you are sleeping when we're resupplying."

Orochimaru sighs but opens both eyes. He considers Anko, and Anko finds herself scowling in response. "Hello, Anko-chan. Hope you're doing well."

"Oh? You know the gremlin, Orochimaru-sama?" At that, Anko goes to kick the kunoichi in the ankle because Konoha-nin or not, she's not going to be called a gremlin by anyone. The kunoichi dodges with a laugh and heads towards the supplies in the middle, abandoning both Anko and Orochimaru.

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