Gaara's Freedom

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Gaara couldn't help but notice how his body felt weightless and as if he was just floating in space, his mind drifting into a peaceful state of mind. He felt like he was on a cloud, his muscles completely relaxed, and his mind free from all worries and stress. It was a rare feeling for him, one that he couldn't remember experiencing for a long time. All the tension and exhaustion seemed to have melted away, leaving him with a sense of tranquility that he had never felt before. He closed his eyes and let himself drift away into a dreamless sleep, feeling as if he could sleep forever in this state of pure bliss.

Sleep? Gaara thought. The word sounded strange to him. He knew what it meant, yet, he had never experienced it. As long as he could remember himself, he had not once slept. Many doctors had been quick to point out that Gaara shouldn't even be alive.

Gaara knew why he was still sucking air. His mother protected him. She would always tell him when someone was dangerous and that he needed to kill them to prove his existence. Gaara always listened. Everyone was afraid of him, everyone except his mother. Why wouldn't he listen to her?

Feeling relaxed, Gaara tried to recall where he was, but as he tried to remember, all he could remember was the blonde Uzumaki doing something; and his mother screaming. Gaara couldn't remember the last time his mother had been so mad. She was often angry, but he remembered her screaming more than ever before; Gaara remembered the blonde smashing his Rasengan on his shoulder. After that point, everything went dark, he heard screams, but Gaara remembered something.

Gaara always thought of his mother as fearless and all mighty powerful. Still, Gaara remembered that after everything had gone dark, he had felt his mother's emotions, she was angry, furious, frustrated, but most importantly, she was afraid. Soon after feeling that, Gaara had felt a sharp pain across his chest that quickly went away.

Now, here he was, floating in endless space. Gaara knew his eyes were closed, but he felt so rested.

As Gaara lay on his back, his eyes closed in peaceful slumber, he suddenly felt a cold, wet sensation seeping through his clothes, jolting him awake. Confused and disoriented, he struggled to comprehend his surroundings, only to find himself floating on a vast sea that seemed to stretch out infinitely in all directions. The water was eerily calm and still, yet its depths were as dark and mysterious as a bottomless pit. As he gazed upwards, he realized that the sky was a deep shade of midnight blue, dotted with tiny, shimmering stars that twinkled like diamonds in the distance.

The water barely reached past his toes. Looking around him, Gaara couldn't see anything else but the endless sea. It felt as if it went on forever.

As he looked up, Gaara could see the vast expanse of the clear blue sky above him, stretching out as far as his eyes could see. Despite the endless sky above, he couldn't feel any wind around him, not even the slightest breeze brushing against his skin. It was as if he was in a vacuum devoid of any natural elements. Even the salty aroma of the water that surrounded him couldn't be felt, despite the fact that he could see the vast ocean stretching out in front of him.

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