Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 1

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' With an abrupt halt to the friendly match between his two talented Genins, Guy swiftly exclaimed, "Enough! Neji emerges victorious yet again!" Neji, wearing a smirk of superiority, couldn't help but scoff at the predictable outcome, leaving his training partner Lee sprawled on the ground, adorned with numerous bruises and a trickle of blood escaping from his nose. As Lee gasped for air, his breaths heavy and labored, he clenched his teeth in a mixture of frustration and fury, unable to conceal his burning anger at yet another defeat.

As beads of sweat trickled down Lee's flushed face, a testament to his tremendous physical exertion, he couldn't help but feel a wave of exhaustion wash over him, threatening to engulf his weary body. However, it was the overwhelming sense of humiliation that pierced his heart the deepest. Lee had been so sure, so utterly convinced, that this time he would emerge victorious in his long-standing rivalry with Neji, finally showcasing to him and the world that sheer determination and relentless effort could triumph over innate talent. Alas, the bitter reality unfolded before his eyes once again, as he found himself sprawled on the unforgiving ground, defeated and shattered, while Neji stood tall, seemingly untouched by the grueling battle they had just endured.

With an air of disdain hanging in the atmosphere, Neji cast his piercing gaze downward upon Rock Lee, his eyes brimming with a potent mixture of mockery and superiority. It was as if Neji regarded Rock Lee as nothing more than an insignificant speck beneath his lofty stature. "Why do you bother with this? You know you can't win, the fate has decided me as the Winner?" Neji's voice dripped with condescension as he questioned, his tone laced with a cruel certainty. His eyes remained fixed on Rock Lee, who defiantly lifted his head in response, a simmering fire of suppressed anger burning fiercely within his determined gaze.

Lee's voice dripped with contempt as he echoed Neji's words, emphasizing the irony with a sly sneer that danced on his lips. "Ah, fate," he drawled, his eyes flashing with a mix of defiance and determination. "There's no such thing as fate, my life would be quite sad if I simply decided to lay down and do nothing, because if something happens, is the Fate that saw it that way." Slowly, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Lee pushed himself up, his legs trembling with exertion but his spirit unwavering. In that fleeting moment, a spark of anger flickered in Neji's eyes, a testament to the clash of their opposing philosophies. But as swiftly as it appeared, the fury melted away, leaving Neji's gaze calm and composed, as if veiled by an impenetrable facade of tranquility.

Lee, his voice filled with a resolute determination, reflected on the pivotal role that defying "fate" had played in shaping his destiny. The journey towards becoming a Genin, the lowest rank in the world of shinobi, had been anything but easy. Every teacher he encountered along the way had echoed the same discouraging sentiment, urging him to abandon his dreams, yet he remained steadfast in his unwavering commitment. Against all odds, Lee stood proudly, his eyes burning with an indomitable spirit, as he proclaimed, "If I allowed 'fate' to control my life. I would have never become a Genin. Now, I'm a Genin because I didn't give up."

"Yes. You're a Genin," Neji agreed, much to Lee's shock. "But you're a terrible one, Lee. How many times so far you have needed either me or Guy-Sensei to pull you out of a Genjutsu. You call yourself a Genin, you're not, all it takes is a simple Genjutsu and you're out of the game. This is why you rely so much on Genjutsu Counter Seals." Neji added with a sneer as if he was speaking to a toddler on how to walk.

"Every Shinobi out there has a weak point Neji," Lee was quick to counter, defending himself. He knew he was horrible when it came to Genjutsu; they were his weakest point, which is why TenTen always made a Seal for him. Sadly, the Seal she made was of Level 1; it was able to block only D Rank and C- Rank Genjutsus, and above that would cause the Seal to get overwhelmed and just burn out.

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