An Eye for An Eye

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Hokage Office

"Itachi-san. How are you?"

"Not well, Lord Third...the clan is dead set on their plans...I fear within a year at most they'll revolt."

Hiruzen lost his smile. This was serious. He didn't want this to happen; he really truly cared for the Uchiha, no doubt about that. One of his best friends had been an Uchiha. This would only spell disaster for everyone.

"Anything that we can do?"

"At this stage in the game, I'm doubtful." Hiruzen looked down. "However", he looked into Itachi's once more, "Shisui told me that if all else had failed, he had a plan. I trust him."

"Bring him in tomorrow."


Next-Day - Hokage Meeting Room

The following day, In the room, when Itachi and Shisui both appeared, they noticed Hiruzen and the village elders. Danzo being to Hiruzen's right, with the other two, Homura and Koharu, to the left.

"Thank you for coming. Before we begin, can you please brief the elders on the situation?"

Shisui and Itachi gave them a rundown on the situation. They looked shocked and worried...except for Danzo. He seemed to have known all along in some way. He couldn't be behind it all...could he?

"Hiruzen, I've told you from the beginning. The Uchiha are not to be trusted. It was only a matter of time before a coup took place."

"Danzo! How dare you! Do you forget that one of our closest friends was Kagami Uchiha!" Hiruzen said in defence of the Uchiha Clan.

"They are the few vs the many. They truly valued the village over the clan...however, the Uchiha now can't be trusted. We must strike first and take them all out." Danzo retorted, the Uchiha clan needed to go; they were a danger to the Hidden Left Village.

"Danzo, enough of this! I will not strike a leaf ally." Hiruzen responded with a slightly higher tone and slammed his fist on the desk in front of him.

"You're too soft, Hiruzen," Danzo said in disgust.

"Lord Third...If I may..." Shisui said, interjected before things could go south.

"What is it, Shisui? Please tell me you have a plan." Hiruzen almost pleaded to Shisui.

"Enough, Hiruzen. Don't listen to this Uchiha, and we must strike."

"Silence. Go ahead, Shisui." Hiruzen ordered with a glare.

Shisui's mind went back to his promise to Naruto, and he knew his little brother would be devastated if anything happened to them.

"I know what you go through, Naruto. I lost my parent at a very young age. I don't even remember them anymore, but you have me, Naruto, and I will do anything to protect my little brother" Shisui gave him a side hug.

"I can stop the coup. In five days, they will gather the clan...I will use my Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku-sama, and he will end the revolt."

"What? How?" Danzo asked with narrowed eyes.

"My Kotoamatsukami is a special genjutsu, the strongest there is...I can activate on someone and practically control them. I can alter memories or fabricate new ones. I would make him believe that he no longer wants the revolt and plan for peace. He would never know; he would think it's what he always wanted out of his own free will ."

The entire room gasped in shock. The implications and use of such jutsu were absolutely crazy. This was pretty much the pinnacle of genjutsu. Danzo narrowed his eyes even more as he didn't trust such jutsu in the hands of an Uchiha. Hiruzen gained hope that maybe this could work while the elders were caught in the middle.

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