Your Always Around

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Dedicated to: karita

And when I'm feeling down
You're always around
And you remind me how
Real growth takes time
I mean how did you learn to trust
That you'd become what your destined too

But you
Yeah, you believe in me
And when I'm feeling down
Your Always around
I mean you gave up everything
To be right here

I mean I've been so lonely
For nights in a row
But your here now
To help me find my way
But then again you need help as well
So why won't you let me help you the way you've helped me

Your my light in the dark
But what happens when you get lost in the darkness
Do you have a light to lead you
Or are you gonna let me become your guiding light
I need someone to talk to but I don't know how
So dear friend, do you think that you could read my mind

I mean clearly I still have a ways to go
But maybe we could go together and find the roads were meant to travel
And so what if we don't know each other that well
Your my saving grave, so please don't leave me behind
I mean you've already read my mind

So now that we're on the same page
Let's both finally escape our cages
And go down our intertwined roads
And find a way to see each other at the end
Still as the best of friends
But still our unique selves

Don't you remember whenever I was feeling down
Your always there
And whenever I needed to talk
You were always able to read my mind
I mean we were always open books
Always filled with so many secrets hidden in secret nooks

We've still both got a ways to go ya know
But we'll for sure make it down this road
Cuz you know whenever I was feeling low
I'd look at you and just know
That we'd be together forever
Because we still have a long way to go to get to the end

Hidden Feelings Book 1 (Poetry) (Journaling)Where stories live. Discover now