Journal Entry 49

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How to love without being hurt?

That's impossible whether you love a human being or an animal. Even when loving yourself you'll get hurt one way or another, it's just apart of life. It's not supposed to hurt as much as it does though, and it hurts that much because sometimes the love you are given is either not love but a lie of what love is or its not enough, and sometimes because it was never there to begin with and it turned out to be fake it can also be the wrong kind of love, and lastly you could have just fallen in love with the wrong kind of person, or the idea of being in love and maybe you might have even fallen in love with the person you think they are and not who they truly are so it'll hurt so much more than you would even think possible. But what truly hurts when you fall in love is if you find the right person love them for all the right reasons but your past or an obstacle of the present or future holds you back and that love slips through your fingers, that is the worst kind of pain their is that even compares to losing the love of your life or someone you truly care about to death and sadly your worst possible enemy, time!

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