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I wake up to landos laugh coming from the kitchen. I climb out of bed and put on one of his hoodies over my pj top and walk into the living area. The lads are all standing in the kitchen drinking coffee.

L-oh sorry y/n did we wake u?

Y/n-oh it's fine I should be up anyway

M-here is a cup of coffee

Y/n-thanks, so what was so funny

G-oh your boyfriend here just came up with a new word


M-so we were just talking about random shit when I asked is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad

G-and I said malcontent, disgruntled, resentful, desolated and lando said


L-it makes sense though like all the fancy words are so hard to say and remember let alone spell whereas smad is easy to remember, makes sense and easy to say

I burst out laughing then everyone laughs again. He was so stupid but the fact that it actually made sense ugh I loved how he was so mature...not. It's so funny the things he comes out with he is like an eight year old but I'm the same. That's why we get along so well.

We make some breakfast and max and George leave the house and head back home.

Y/n-I forgot to ask, how are you feeling today?

L-I feel really good actually

Y/n-I have to go into work later just for a few hours are you coming or do u want to stay here?

L-no I will go in too I have a few things to do before next weekend

Y/n-lando don't tell me your going to try race next weekend

L-of course I'm going to try I mean it's Wednesday now so I have over a week

Y/n-lando you almost died

L-but I didn't

Y/n-Zak won't let you and neither will the fia you won't pass the test

L-I need to y/n please help me train and get back I don't want to miss this weekend and if your telling me not to it will make Zak and everyone take your side

Y/n-okay okay but if I can see your in allot of pain I'm not training with you or convincing the others your able to drive

L-okay thank you

I get up and get changed into jeans and my pink mclaren  jumper. When i get back into the kitchen lando is on the phone. I wait at the table until he hangs up.

Y/n-everything ok?

L-yep it was just my mum

Y/n-oh how is she?

L-really good, she asked if we wanted to go and stay with them this weekend. I said I would ask you first

Y/n-ye that sounds great it will be nice to finnaly meet them all properly.

L-ye they can't wait to see you, I will text her now

He texts his mum then we head out and get into the car. I drive us to mtc. We walk in, hand in hand and as we walk past the front desk I notice Emily isn't there. Hmmm a bit weird. The computers and everything are turned off. She mustn't be in today. That's no harm actually things are still not great between us. We make our way to Zak's office but before we get there we are met in the hall by him.

Z-oh hey guys ehm can you come to a meeting, it was put forward and it's pretty important

L-ye sure when is it

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