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I wake up to the sound of landos alarm ringing from the desk in the corner of the room. He climbs out of bed while wiping his eyes and turns it off. I pull the covers over my head and snuggle up in the sheets.

Y/n-I don't want to get up

L-neither do I but we've got to get ready for today...after this race we have four weeks off and we can chill out and do whatever we want

Y/n-I can't wait

L-me too, now come on...we can't be late

I get up out of bed and drag myself into the bathroom to get a quick shower to wake me up. The warm water running down my body was so relaxing, it felt amazing. Something about morning showers just hit different.

I get out and quickly get ready then me and lando head to the track. We go straight to mclaren hospitality to get some breakfast.

We walk up to the buffet to get breakfast. I just got a small bowel of fruit as I still wasn't feeling great. then we make our way over to our usual seats in the corner by the window.

L- why are you not eating properly...is everything ok?

Y/N- I just feel a little sick, nothing to worry about though

L-you sure, I can ask the doctor to check you out?

Y/N-no need, im ok

L-well if you get worse please let me know

Y/N- yes I will let you know...so are you excited

L-very, this weekend has been amazing so far, like going into the summer break after starting the race from pole, I just hope I can convert it into a win

Y/N- im sure you will, you've been fantastic all weekend, your championship lead is pretty healthy too, this might be your year

L- imagine if I did win, this year would be the best...becoming a father and winning a title all in one year. it would be incredible

Y/N- it really would

we finish up our food then Lando goes into a meeting with the team to talk about the race. I decide to go for a walk around the paddock to get some air. I stroll outside and bump into Alex.

A-oh hey y/n

Y/N- hi Alex how are you?

A-pretty good, this weekend has been decent so far, I'm just looking forward to the summer break

Y/N- I think everyone is, this season has been so busy so far...everyone is drained

A-yes definitly, have you any plans for the break?

Y/N- just relax before the baby comes and go on a little holiday I guess

A- sounds lovely, when is kiddo due?

Y/N-just a couple weeks now...its crazy

A- are you excited

Y/N- yes but very nervous

A-i don't blame you, I can't wait until I have a baby of my own

Y/N- are you seeing anyone at the moment?

A- no not yet sadly, I need to find someone to start a family with because its my dream in life. sure winning a world title is one but the main thing in life for me is family. I just want one of my own

Y/N- im sure you will find someone, I mean your pretty amazing

A- im so glad we put everything behind us, im really grateful

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