Chapter 110: She Remembers

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Jade pressed the call button but her phone was switched off. She turned it off to avoid being disturbed.

Fiona couldn't eat much as well. She cleared the table and walked to Sapphires door. Pulling the door knob, she notice that it was locked.

'Knock! Knock!! knock!!!'

She tapped on the door lightly but all she could hear was Sapphire's soft sobbing.

"You should hang on a little longer my dear. You'll overcome these really soon, I hope." Fiona stuttered to the word as a single tear rolled down her cheek like dew drop on a leaf. Her right hand wiped it off immediately while she went back, downstairs. It was just a waste of effort. Sapphire wouldn't eat.

Fiona and John felt really sad that night. They believe that it was just a bad day, not a bad life. Hoping that things would get better really soon. And their daughter would overcome all of these.

Meanwhile, Sapphire was having a dream. It was a glimpse of her childhood that held sad memories like a fragrance.

The held her torn, fluffy teddy close to her chest, crying in the cold darkness. With broken glass cups, shattered to the marbled floor, little Sapphire sat on the ground, her back at the wall and her knees bent over as she cried bitterly.

"Mother! Father!! M.. other!!!" Only her voice echoed in the empty house.
Sleeping and sweating, she whimpered with tears spitting down the corners of her eyes. As if her temperature was increasing, this went on till morning. Sapphire opened her eyes in one heavy breath. As if being chocked, she held her neck in pain. Holding her chest and trying to free herself. As if being drawn by an invisible ocean, Sapphire struggled to breath. It was very early, she wasn't sure if her parents were awake or not. She stretched out her arm, trying to reach the door but suddenly dropped down.... Unconscious.

Everything went numb and blurry. A solemn tear rolled down her cheek. She heard the door banged open by her mother but couldn't say anything.

'Fire! Firee!!!' Fiona's yelled but Sapphire struggled with the pain clouded in her head.

Gradually, everything faded in a dim light. As if being buried under the ground. It engulfed her in whole.

Wake up fire, please!" Her mother begged. Her lips quivered in pain like a leaf. She had to rush back into the room to alert her husband. John immediately grabbed his car keys and drove her back to the hospital. Sapphire had just spent a week at home and this...

She was rushed into a ward but her parents were asked to wait at the reception. With confusion boldly written on their faces, Fiona couldn't help but to worry more. Since she'd been discharged from the hospital, Sapphire barely eats or talk to anyone. She's always sad and absent minded.

My daughter..." Fiona broke down in tears on her husband's shoulders. It felt as if this dream, or nightmare, or whatever it is wouldn't end.

In the ward, Sapphire was immediately placed on the hospital bed as the doctors used an heart pumping machine on her chest but she didn't wake. Her whole body went down, they tried again and again but it worked out the third time. She took in a deep breath as her eyes opened. The doctor gave her a drip before leaving her ward.


30 Minutes Later...

The doctor in attendance walked to where the Blac's were seated. Fiona rushed to him with tears, flowing down her face like the river escaping a dam.

"How is she, doctor? Would she be fine again?"

"Yes ma'am. There's no need to panic." He announced in a calm voice. "She had a shock due to the autophobia but there's no need to worry. Sapphire would get better." He assured.

"Is it okay if we meet her now?" John asked, with an heavy sigh of relief.

"Yes, sure. You can."

With this, Fiona blew her nose into an hanky before walking in with her husband. Hand in hand.

They took a seat beside her and watched. Her eyes were still closed. Watching her in this state made Fiona break into another series of tears. John held her hand into his in protection. His eyes felt as if they were saying, don't worry dear. I'm here for you. As if he was trying to say, we would fight this together.

"I can't take this anymore, Hubby! I'm so fed up..." Fiona trembled to John's shoulder again.

He held her in a soft hug, placing her head on his shoulder feeling the uncontrollable grief welling up inside of her.

Just then, Sapphire opened her eyes. They were red and pale but she looked forward. Her eyes met her parents, sniffing and resisting the tears that won't stop pouring.

"M...mum." her lips mumbled with a little difficulty. As if it was the first time she'd pronounced the name.

John and Fiona turned to their daughter in a swift. They both whooshed out in ecstasy. More tears made Fiona's vision blurry.

She hugged her daughter in a tight hug with an involuntary whimper escaped her lips in job and happiness. A confused look plastered her face as she looked around. Fiona broke the hug to take a glimpse of her daughter, again.

"Why are you so clingy, mum? And why am I here?" Her eyes raised to the sudden act of love and affection. Stilling upright as if she'd finally gained her strength.

"You... You passed out, Fire. A lot has been happening to you. But you don't need to worry." Everything would be fine. Her mother consoled in sympathy and self pity.

"Dad, you're here as well?" Her bright blue eyes opened to the question. "And where's Jade?  Did he know I'm here?"

"What?!" John and Fiona turned to her, dumbfounded.

"Where's my phone mum? I n...need to give him a call."Sapphire stammered, grabbing her auburn hair in confusion.


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