Chapter 9

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Author Notes
Gonna be a little confusing and emotional, and fashioning
Nash's POV
Come on guys let's hurry up!!!!

*15 minutes later*

Vianey's POV
After Amy, Patricia and Emily finished shopping, I just walked around. I'm not really the person that likes to buy girly stuff. But Amy came up to me. "V, you have to buy something!" She pleaded "No, you know I'm not into...." I was cut off by her yanking my arm. Well, just letting you know I ended up buying a few T-shirts, jeans, beanies, and the one thing I never thought I would buy, heels and a dress. "Come on try it on, for me please!" Amy said. "NOOOOO. I don't want to, why do I need it anyways?" I asked confused. "You'll see later, trust me..NOW try it on god damn it!!" She screamed at me. "ARGHHH fine" I said. After trying on the dress it wasn't that bad but then she gave me the heels. Crap! "Hey, you want us to try on our dresses" Amy screamed. "Ya okay" I said. After I finished I see the girls wearing their dresses and there heels. Man they look pretty on them. Amy had a periwinkle short dress that the skirt was like a skater skirt and had poke-a-dots (small) and roses. Her pumps were a periwinkle kind of color and 6 inches. It fit her so well, like it describes the person she is. Patricia had a blue dress that was long in the back but not too long and it was knitted on the front (neck part/shoulders) and she had 6 inch blue pumps. And still looks like her. Emily dress is a reddish peach that is short and crossed in the back. With a cute thin belt and she wore peach 4 inch pumps. Now me.....great. Amy picked out my dress. It's short with a mint color skirt and black top. But I love her because I can still wear my jacket. But she made me wear nude 4inch heels. Ewwww.....yeah I'm kind of a tom boy okay, don't judge me! "Let's go outside....follow me" she said grabbing my hand. I guess she already took off her pony tail because her hair was down and it looked so pretty. Next thing you know I see 10 guys.

[sorry if it's too Girly!!]

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