Chapter 40

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Zoe's POV
I kept checking Twitter and the fans were furious that Hayes wasn't going. I kept refreshing and more and more hate kept coming. Amy won't be able to handle this and I know exactly what she will do. Emily also knows, Patricia knows, Vianey knows, Max knows, even Abby. But you know who doesn't know. Hayes.

Jack J's POV
I'm so happy with V but I kind of miss Amy. It's not fun. We made it to the hotel and everyone split up. Cameron and Taylor went to go get food. And the rest of us put on a movie and that's all we did. Vianey cuddled with me. Jack & Emily cuddled. Nash and Zoe. Patricia and Matthew. We watched The Fault In Our Stars, the Avengers, Thor and Paranormal 4. By that movie everyone fell asleep including me. All I heard was "I love you, and stay strong"

Will's POV
I had to go early to the airport to go pick up this girl that was coming with Sky and her sister. Nash sent me a text saying that Hayes tagged along with her. I think I know who she is. Sky talks about her sometimes well with me, Hayes and Nash. Usually with mom she talks the most about her. I've only seen one picture of her. And she's pretty decent. I get there to the airport and wait for them to come. I get bored so I tweet and text Hayes.
Hayes 💪💚
-what kind of coffee do you like and that girl.
~that girl has a name....Amy and she likes a Carmel Frap with extra Carmel on the side. Same for me.
-did you ask her?
~ no I know by memory! Good boyfriend skills.
-wait you guys are dating?
~yeah I was planning on mom meeting her.
-okay bro.
I walk to Starbucks and get them coffee. I wait a little longer and I see Hayes walking with Sky on his back and Amy with Abby on her back. Hayes and her are holding hands and with there other hand they are carrying thee luggage. Which was technically hers because the clothes Hayes was using was Nash's. She froze while she was looking at me. "Oh my lord, your Will Grier" she said smiling. She better not be one of those stupid and crazy fans that love Hayes and Nash for fame and pretend they know me. "Hi, yes I am. How do you know me" I ask. "Duh you play for the gators, your my favorite player of all time and your awesome." She says smiling. "No joke she literally has a jersey of the gators". Hayes says laughing. "Shut up" she says blushing and hitting Hayes arm. Wow she knows me for me, not because of my brothers. "Willy?" Sky said. I think she was sleeping. "Ugjshd" Amy's sister said. "WILL ITS YOU! I MISS YOU BROTHER!" Sky said jumping on me and hugging me. Amy started to wake her sister up. "Will this is Abby, Abby Will" she said. "Hi how you doing?" She said sticking her hand out. She's so cute. "Good" I said shaking her hand. "Well shall we get going" I said. "Yes we may!" Amy said smiling. "Oh I bought you guys coffee" I said handing them there coffees. "Thank you"

Hayes POV
So far so good. My brother seems to like her. They where laughing in the car ride, they sang along. She looked outside and she was completely withdrawn into the area. "So you like it out here in North Carolina?" I asked Amy. "Yeah it's so pretty, and calm" she said. She kept looking out the window and singing. "You sing pretty good" Will said. "You think so.....I was suppose to perform with Shawn" she said smiling. "Yeah".
We arrived at the house and Sky literally zoomed out of the car to the front door. "MOMMYY" she screamed. My mom Elizabeth opened the door, also with Nila, & Chad. Sky was hugging them, kissing them and explain how amazing her trip was. Amy got out of the car and strait to me. "Your turn buck-o" she said signaling me. Will was taking out the bags. I hold Amy's Hand and we interwind our fingers. She looks up at me and smiles. "Mom, Dad this is my girlfriend Amy" I said while looking at Amy and back at my parents. "It's finally good to actually meet you on person, Sky talks about you all the time. Your prettier than in pictures" Elizabeth said. "Yeah you really are. Welcome to Family! We've been waiting for a girl" Nila said. "Thank you so much Elizabeth and Nila , I can't wait it get to know both of you too better, you seem like such nice people. They both blushed. Elizabeth winked at me. "Hi Amy I'm chad, the dad of Nash, Will and Hayes. I'm Wills and Hayes Coach" he said smiling. "I know, I watch you on TV all the time when I watch the gators play" she Ajax smiling. "So you like watching sports, huh?" My dad said. "Well I play some sports sir" she said. "Like what?"
"Basketball, football, Volleyball, I dance. I pretty much do any sport" she said. "Oh...pretty good. Hey welcome to the family" he said pulling her into a hug, then Elizabeth and Nila hugged her. Abby was introduced and she loved my moms. "Abby this is going to be our new home and family" Amy sias to Abby.

Elizabeth's POV
"I ordered pizza, and it's here" I yelled. Everyone was at the table except Amy. "Hi Elizabeth, do you need any help?" Amy said. "If you can please set the utensils on the table and the plates that would be great" I said smiling at her. "Sure." She said. I went to put the pizza and the cups on the table, when I walk into the kitchen I see Hayes holding Amy's waist from behind and hugging her while she takes out the utensils. He really likes her. Because I see it in my baby boys eyes. He has a spark that he has never had with any girl. "Hey could you be a dear and grab 8 plates and put them at the table?" She said kissing his cheek. "Sure thing love" he said while getting the plates. "Oh hey mom" he says while passing by me with plates. "Or darling please stick around" I said putting my hand on Amy's shoulder and we both laughed.
*After eating*
"Do you need any help?" Amy offers
"No thank you, go hang out with Hayes" I said. "Okay, thank you" she said. I tucked Abby and Sky in Sky's bed and they fell asleep fast.

Amy's POV
I had my own room but already knew that I wasn't going to be able to sleep in there. I walked into the bathroom in my bedroom and open my phone. While twitter is loading I'm taking off my make up. I looked down and there was so many hurtful comments. I locked the door and started to cry every time I read one. All the fans hates me! They kept saying I was the cause why Hayes wasn't at Magcon. They even blamed my sister. I cried more. So many kill yourself comments and you don't deserve to live. I went into my makeup bag and I always keep and extra razor in there. I was only able to cut twice. I can't keep cutting, I can't do it. I don't want my sister to cry, I don't want to hurt Hayes. I put my razor away and cleaned my cuts. I put and big sweater that says "genius". I put on spandex and my hair up in a messy bun, and fuzzy socks. I walked over to Hayes room. I felt so bad for cutting. "Hey babe" I said. "Hey babe, cute sweater"
"Thanks" . he started to walk over and out his hands on my hips. He starts to tickle me. "Stop Hayes!" I said. He made me fall on his bed. He got on too of me and sat on my hip area and started to tickle me! "HAYES stop I can't breath" I kind of yelled. At that point if so much movement the sleeve of my sweater when down and you could see my cuts. "Amy what's that?" Hayes says with tears in his eyes.
"What?" I said. "This?" He said will grabbing my wrist. I started to cry. "I....I....cut myself be..because all he hate" I said stuttering. "Aww babe ding do that"he said pulling me in a hug. He kissed my cuts and I stated to fall asleep. I heard him call someone but I was to lazy to pay attention

Cameron's POV
It was 11 pm and I got a call from Hayes.
"Yo sup man"
"Hey man is Zoey up?"
"No why? What happened Hayes?"
"Nothing. Question, are you close to Amy?"
"Yeah why?"
"Because she cut herself twice but stopped"
"Wooh wait what? Is she okay?"
"Yeah she is"
"You know you picked a good and strong one Hayes"
"You think so...?why?"
"Because she stopped from cutting even more. She stopped for a reason"
"Hey I'm going to go back to sleep, keep me updated"
I hang up and funny it was that Hayes sent me a picture of Amy's cuts. "Zoe" I whispered shaking her shoulder. I shook her even more. Then the sleeve of her sweater slipped down relieving.... 6 CUTS! Like sisters. I knew it was weird because she was wearing a bug sweater and she was sweating🙇. "Zoey....Zoe" I whispered, shaking her more. "Hmmm yeah?" She whispered. "Wait did you see my....
"Yes I saw your cuts, baby don't do that. And don't worry I promise I won't tell anyone" I said. "Oh okay" she said. "I wanted to show you something. Look" I said opening up my phone to the picture of Amy's cuts. "Look"
"Whose cuts are those?" She whispered opening her eyes even wider
"Your sisters" I said looking right at her eyes.

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