Chapter 42

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Emily's POV
I got a call from Hayes saying that Amy was not home, I know she would do this. She called me after she woke up. She said she is coming to New York. I distracted Hayes by telling him that to go out and check. The guy that she met brought Amy home and she packeted up and said her goodbyes. Will is taking her to the airport. I'm so happy she is coming.

Wills POV
I so upset of what Hayes did. I can't believe he did that to poor Amy. I gave her the idea to go back to New York with her sister and Brother. I promised her that I would take care of her sister.
A while later the silence was broken.
"Hey do you think I'm doing the right thing?"
We got to the airport and later she was off to New York.

Taylor's POV
I'm so excited Amy is coming back! I missed her so much! We were all waiting in the airport, literally everyone came. I vowed to protect her, I did this vow with Cameron. "I see a red hair walking through those doors" Cameron said as everyone shot there heads up. "AMYYY!" I said. I ran and spun her in circles. "I missed you Taylor" she said.
She kola hugged Cameron. "I missed you much Cameron. I need you, really I needed you so much" she said crying. "Aww why love?" He said. Oh no one told him. "You don't know?" She said. He was still carrying her. "H..Hayes cheated on me" she said starting to cry. She put head on his shoulder. "Wait what? Hayes my brother?" Cameron and Nash said. She nodded her head. She got down and started to hug everyone. "ZOOOOOEEEYYY" she ran and hugged Zoey. After everyone got a hug, we walked to the car. "I'm going to do a call" Cameron said.

Cameron's POV
I separated from the group. I called Hayes.
"Hey man" he said. He sounded like his been crying all day.
"What's your problem?"
"What do you mean"
"How could you hurt Amy?"
"What do you you know anything about her?"
"All I know is that you hurt her badly"
"Yeah you cheated on her with some girl. Go on Twitter and check"
"Okay, I'll call you back".
I started to walk to the car. After when we got to hotel, Nash called Bart over. He said it was okay for her to continue being part of the Magcon family. Hayes called me back.
"Yeah did you see it"
"Yeah I did. Look Cameron..."
"You don't have to explain it to me. Explain it to Amy"
"I can't she ran away from home and I don't know where she is"
"Wait she ran away?"
I look at Amy and she was sitting down on the coach crying on Taylor's shoulder. She was wearing her Tie Dye sweater that said Taylor Caniff and a heart on it. She was wearing black knee socks and spandex.
"Oh yeah sorry"
I didn't know she ran away.
"Yeah I'll call you back"
"Wait but
I hung up and walked toward Amy. Only carter, Amy , Taylor and I were in the room because the others went to go eat.
"Amy I didn't know you ran away" I said. "I did but everybody over in North Carolina knew except Hayes" she said. "I need to tell Hayes that your here"
"No please Cameroon" she begged
"He is going crazy, you guys need to talk and on Twitter there's a trend #PrayForAmy #FindAmy" I said. She goes on her phone and cries more. "I wish I could die" she said putting her head between her legs. I took out my phone and Face timed Hayes. Taylor was comforting Amy. When Hayes picked up he looked awful. He has bloodshot eyes, messy hair, bags under his eyes.
"Yeah cam?"
"Look" I turned the outer camera and pointed it on Amy.
"Amy?" He said going closer to the camera.
"Is it her"
"Yeah she came to New York and she doesn't stop crying.
"I'm such a jerk and an idiot" he said crying more.
"I think you should come down to Nashville"
"Yeah I'll find the closest plane ride"
"Talk to her man". I gave Amy my phone.
"Who is it?"
She dropped the phone. "I don't want to talk to him" she said looking straight at me. "Please for us" I said looking at Taylor. "Fine"

Hayes PoV
"What do you want"
She had makeup running a little down her face, red eyes and bags under her beautiful eyes.
"I'm so so so sorry. And if you don't forgive me I'm fine with it. I really really never meant to hurt you. She was threatening me and our relationship, I had to pretend to enjoy it so I thought it was you. And I will admit I was desperate, I went home with her and we made out. I did all that to save our relationship. I'm sorry. I'm a jerk, a lier, a cheater and you deserve better. You have a bright future, your pretty, smart, amazing and you got that cute laugh. That amazing bright smile even tho you have braces. All these things make and you should appreciate these things." I said to here. She was crying a little. I heard a door slam and I think that everyone came. "I'm going to give you another chance, so don't screw up Grier" she said smiling a little. God I love her smile.

Nash's POV
I had talked to hayes earlier and told him to come down to Nashville, NY but he refused because he wanted to find Amy. We we come back to the room I see Amy crying and Hayes apologizing through FaceTime. I looked over to Zoe and she was smiling. At that time I bought Hayes his ticket. "Yo dude I just bought your ticket, you leave at 6 and its 4 so get ready and hurry up" I said. "Oh thanks man". After they finished talking we all hung out and started to get ready to go to the airport again. Amy came out wearing joggers and a hoodie that says.. "Eat Sleep Twerk". She put on her Vans that Hayes bought her and put her hair in a pony tail. She looked so lazy and warm. Zoey was wearing jeans with a Marilyn Manroe sweater and some uggs. Patricia and Vianey where wearing "you mess with her" "you mess with me" sweaters. Max wore joggers, vans and a boss hoodie. Zoey had a "teenage dirt bag" sweater. Emily wore the same sweater Amy had but in orange with black leggings and vans. All the girls have there hair in a pony tail.
*going to airport*
I saw Amy get a text because I was over looking. Nash who is this. The text read....
"Back the Freak away from Hayes. His clearly mine and he enjoyed making out with me. We even enjoyed making love when you left so yeah back the F off bitch! -xoxoxo"
Damn I think I have an idea "that's Jordan. Same number and everything's" I said. "Really?"
When we got to the airport, we all sat down and waited. All of us got on our phones and wait.
{9:30 pm}
I see Amy get up and run. When I look up I see Hayes being Kola hugged by Amy. They kissed and didn't let go.

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