Chapter 28

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Cameron's POV
Text message from
Nash 💙👊
Bring Hayes and Amy to the hotel now!

Emily's POV
I wonder what's wrong with Nash?

Patricia's POV
"What's wrong Matt?" I said
"Umm you need to come with me to the hotel" he said looking up from his phone.
"Oh okay" I said.

Zoe's POV
"Max get your stuff and get Abby" I said. "What why?" He said. "Just do I say" I said. "Okay" he said.

Nash's POV
I texted the people that have the girls but I have one problem. Vianey isn't with one of the guys. "Zoe can you text V and tell her?" I asked. "Sure love" she said.

" Let's go to the Hotel guys" I scream.

Vianey's POV
Incoming call....
Zoe 💘🏆
-Hey come to my house and bring a bag of clothes.
-Nash has important information he needs to tell ALL of us.
~okay be right there.

Emily's POV
I made a group chat with the girls to tell them about what happened.

[A-Amy, E-Emily, P-Patrica, V-Vianey, Z-Zoey]
E- hey guys anything new?
V- we'll the Nash thing is something new.
A-yeah what's that all about, Cameron is dragging our butts out of the park😂
P- I'm running with Matt to find a taxi
E- how'd your date go with Matt?
P- well......
A- TELL US!!!! 🙈🙈🙈🙈
P- he kissed me and asked me out!!!
Z- NOOOO WAY!!!! Matticia is a thing now!
E- I wish Jack would ask me out! 😔
A- trust me, Emick or Jaly will still live! 😂😉 love you!
V- what about Zoe and Nash? Are you guys officially Zosh! 😂😂
A- HEY THATS MY THING! And they would be Naey!
Z- well we are officially dating 🙈💘😊
E- YAY!!
P- What about you Amy?😏😏
A- well......
P- we'll if he didn't ask you out. The biggest but whooping there will ever be is going to Happen!
A- chill! He did asks me out!
E- really now I'm a loner
V-well I'm a loner 2!!!
Zoe- awww Haymy or Amyes
E- long live.
A- long live Emick and Viack
V- Yay!
A- gotta go! Bye ❤️💘✌️

Jack G POV
"So you like Cameron?" I asked her. "No....I like you" she said. "Really?" I said. She nodded her head. Yes! She likes me not Cameron! I literally feel like dancing and jumping up and down but I'm going to keep it cool!
"So Emily" I said again. But we are face to face. "Yeah Jack?" She said butting her lip. I can't resist it no more. I start to lean in.....


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