Chapter final (50)

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Zoey's pov

we arrived at the hospital and we had no idea what to think of. my arm back was bleeding and I was dizzy but I didn't say anything. we waited and waited to see what was finally said.












I waited with taylor and we tweeted out a bunch of stuff. hours after the doctor let us in to talk to them. I ran to nash

"love please don't leave. ilove you I will soon join you.i will ay good bye to everyone then we will go together" I said. I hugged matt, Emily and pat. I laided next to nash and slowly my life slipped by. I had already hugged taylor and abby. I saw hayes and amy standing in front of a gate. "hi guys. welcome to heaven. and news, im Mrs. Grier" amy said lifting her hand revealing a ring. we all hugged and walked to the gate. Emily was the only one who would survive.

taylors pov

Zoey died in nash's arms. everyone came to say goodbye. Emily smiled at everyone and everyone asked what happened. I felt so bad for amys mom and abby. they didn't stop crying. amys brother sat there looking at his dead sister.

amys pov

all of us visited the hospital. I stood next to my mom and hugged her, she felt it and I noticed. I grabbed a paper and told her everything. slowly I dropped it in front of her. she read it and smiled. I stood by Cameron and everyone changed spots. mom read out loud the note and I hugged Cameron, he felt me there and whispered"vanessa is having triplets and we are naming them "amy,zoey and nash" he said. "plus we got 2 puppies and we named them Matt and Hayes. Plus Carter's baby with Maggie is gonna be called patrcia" he smiled and so did I. he grabbed abby and told her, she jumpedup and down saying "uncle Cameron is having triplets and 2 puppies, plus his naming them after uncle hayes, uncle nash and uncle matt. also his naming the babies after Zoey and amy" she yelled. everyone cheered and his wedding was in 6 months.she already had 3 months.

*6 months later*

Zoey got married to nash and adopted a baby. matt and pat got married and adopted 2 baby twins. I adopted twins and named them Cameron and Shawn. Nash named his taylor. Pat named his Carter and Mahogany . "hayes I think I want a girl" I said. "and what do you want to name her?" hayes said. "abby" I replied, so we adopted another. Today was camerons wedding so we decieded to visit.

all of us visited Cameron's wedding. he felt our presents and so did Vanessa. plus my mom felt child present and I wrote to her as she told the guys and cameron wasso happy. all the guys cheered and dedicated a dance to that huge amount of great news. after in after party vanessa bag broke and they ran to the hospital. after the babies being born we all stood by them and they actually saw us. we talked to them and left. so often we visit to see them. they always talk to us. the guys know that we are there as well. we come and spend time with them. Cameron and carter talk about us and my relationship with hayes. all cute and beautiful. life went on like that and we did the same.


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