Chapter 18

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Hayes POV
I love Amy so much because she just like....I can't describe her. She likes me for well..... me! "So Amy I was wondering would you like to go with me tomorrow. Like a day with just both of us?" He asked nervously. "I'd love that" I said bitting my lip. "Great!" He said.
"Hey I need to change so you might wanna turn around" she said. "Wait before you do can you wear this" I said handing her a muscle T-shirt that said Davidson Days Football. It was red with blue letters. "Sure, let me get my spandex" She said while getting up. She grab her blue spandex that had the gator logo on the side and the shirt. "Turn around Grier" She said. "Fine!" I said pouting. She kissed me on the cheek. I turned around and She changed.

Amy's POV
It was kind of big on me. You can see my pink laced bra but whatever. I tied it on the back because it was really big. And I walk over to him.

Hayes POV
"It's so cute on you" I said and she started blushing. "Thanks Grier" she said. Okay I wanted to take a picture with you. "Wait let me get my socks". She said while running to her drawer and taking out cute blue long socks that said
Going down in white. She put them on and she was matching because she was wearing a blue spandex with the Gator Logo on the side.

Patricia's POV
"I'm coming out if anyone is naked change into your clothes right now" I said as I was walking out with my eyes closed.

Amy's POV
I go up to Hayes and whisper in his ear. "I have an idea, but don't laugh" I said. He nodded
"Oh baby,harder, harder!" I screamed
I was joking tho. Hayes was about to explode in laughter.

Patricia's POV
"Holy crap, I'm going back into the bathroom" I said turning around. I felt someone come and grab me. "Hey open your eyes" I heard Amy say. "Your not naked right?" I said. "No we where playing with you!" She said laughing. I open my eyes and hit her. "Guys my turn to change" I heard Hayes say. "Argh I need to go to my clothes to get my hoodie.Arghh, so far" Amy said stretching my arm out. "Here" he said tossing a hoodie to Amy. "Wait don't put it on because I wanna take the picture. "Just wait" he said to Amy.

Hayes POV
Patricia turned around because she knew I was going to change right there. I started to take off my shirt and I see Amy staring at my abs. "Like what you see?" I said laughing. "Oh sorry, but yes I do!" She said. Another thing I like about her, she is not shy about anything and she isn't shy when it comes to expressing herself. I put on the same shirt she had on and some basketball shorts. "Okay ready" I said. She was still looking at me and then she snapped out of it.
I handed my phone to Patricia and told her to take 3 pictures of us. "Okay Amy get on my shoulder" I said. "Wait WHAT?" She said confused. "Look get on my shoulders" I said. "What if I brake you?" She tells me. "Just go"
We took pictures.
1. Smiling
2. Tongue out
3. Peace sign
She looked adorable. I posted it on twitter. "Hey what's your twitter? Oh it's @grier26amy. "Oh okay, wait grier? Why grier?" I asked her. "We'll because of your brother Will Grier duhhh" she said. I laughed and I posted the pictures of us.
"Spending the day with this amazing girl @grier26amy. Most amazing and beautiful girl EVER!!! 🙈😝💓
After I posted it a bunch of fans where questioning who she was. Some knew who she was. Some where shipping us, and of-corse a lot where hating on it.😠

Amy's POV
*yawn* " I'm so tired" I tell Hayes as I slip on the hoodie he gave me. "Oh okay" he said. "I'll take the floor" he said. "I'll go to the extra room that you have with my stuff, night love" she comes and kisses me on the cheek. "Watch your hands Grier" she said pointing at him. I start laughing as she leaves the room. I go to my closet and take out blankets and drop them on the floor. I take a pillow and toss it on the floor next to him. And them I get another pillow and toss it to him. "Wait I don't need 2" he said. "Who said its for you?" I asked. "Wait what?" "You didn't think I was going to leave you alone on the floor right?" I tell him. "Ohhhh I got it" he said laughing. I wanna play 21 questions before going to bed
~ after we played~
Hayes is just so perfect. I can't even function anymore because it 1 in the morning. "Hayes I'm going to bed" I said as I climbed on the bed and turned off the lights.
-Night. after a while.

-15 minutes passed-
"Hayes........Hayes........."Hayes" I said poking him on the last one. "Hmmmm" he said half asleep. "I can't sleep" I tell him. "Oh....." He said. "Can you sleep with me? Please?" I said to Hayes. "Sure" he said. I stared to scoot over as he was getting in the bed. I took off his hoodie and I put my head on his chest. Darkness took over me and I was sound asleep.

Hayes POV
I heard someone say my name. I thought it was part of my dream but then someone pocked me. Amy? "Can you sleep with me. Please?" she asked. "sure" I said. When I got on her bed. She put her head on my chest. A couple seconds later I heard small snores coming from her. Then I fell asleep.

~ I wish it would always be like this, with her in my life~

[long chapter, I know but I wanted to sum it up!!!!!]

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