Chapter 11

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Amy's POV
"Ermmmm guys...." I said. As they started snapping out of it they said "yeah" "oh umm". The girls started giggled and the went to go change. I walk up to Hayes and told him. "I kind of left my phone here?" Balancing forward and back (heels). "Oh" he said heading me my phone. "Wait hold on to it, let me change and then give it to me" I said. He agreed. I walked back and changed into my clothes. As we walked out, Hayes gave me my phone. Pat & V gave me the "what the hell" face and then I realized what they met.

"So......guys this is Patricia & Vianey" I said while pointing at them. " and that's
Jack g
Jack j
I finished say. We all says hi's. And I bent down to pick up my bag, but a hand touched mine. I looked up and saw Hayes. Chills went down my spine. "Hey I can take those for you" he said while smiling. "Thanks, that would be really helpful. Even tho it was one bag. And I saw cam with a bag, Jack J with a bag and Matt with a bag. "Hey why don't we go buy Vans and then eat something? I said. "Sure" they all responded quickly. As we were walking to the Van store a group of girl started screaming " OMG it's Hayes! OMG ITS NASH,CAMERON,TAYLOR....AHHHHHHHH!!!" I just stood and realized that those were fans. The guys took pictures with them, until one little girl came up to me and asked me to take a picture with her. "I love you so much, I always watch you play volleyball with Vianey and Zoey. "Aww, thanks" we took the picture and she said "wait aren't you Hayes Girlfriend?" " why do you ask?" "Because he literally staring at you" she said giggling and I look up and what she said was true, he was looking at me. "Sweet checks can I have your phone number?" "Sure, no way that Amy just asked me for my phone number" I gave her my phone and she put her number in. I hugged her and started walking to Nash. "Eww why are you with those girl Nash, there clearly ugly and they look mean. Plus you can do so much better than that" a girl with blonde hair said. "Wow" I said and walked away. "You knows what, you might see them ugly but we see them as beautiful people that have a better heart and soul than you do. And maybe I can do better. Better than you" Nash said. "Whatever" she said flipping her hair while walking away. "Thanks Nash" I said and kissed his cheek. His like a brother to me. As we walked to the Van store, I started looking around to see if I find anything I like. I turn around and see Nash running with 6 boxes of Vans. He really must like Vans. "I like these" I said while I grab the original black and white vans. Then I see Hayes and he says "cool I was going to get those to" I giggled a little and I started to try them on. I took them off and put them inside the box, I got a text. "Hi Amy, I just wanted to say thank you for the best day ever! I love you soooooooo much! Can't wait to see you soon" I awed out loud and I locked my phone. I look around to see my box of Vans aren't there.....what the heck? "Here you go Bae" Hayes says handing me the bag with vans inside."Why did you buy me them I was gonna buy them" "because I wanted too! Now don't complain and kiss me on the cheek already." He said joking around.
"Fine" I gave him a long kiss on the cheek and I heard a bunch of "awes" coming from the guys and the girl. I blushed and hid my face in Hayes shirt. He put his arm around me and we were off.

Hayes POV
Step 2 worked and so did Step 3. Man her lips are so soft. I could have totally told off those girls but Nash did that on purpose. Douche!

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