Chapter 34

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Vianeys POV
Everyone started to come out, get dried and then get dressed. It was getting late.
*drive home*
"Look it's really late we will just all sleep in the hotel. Okay?" Cam said. "Yeah" se people said. All the girl where sleeping except me.
*text message*
Jack J 👽✌️
....hi I wanna ask you something/tell you something?!?!
......yeah 🙈🙊
......I think your really really pretty and I was you wanna be my girlfriend.
At thy moment I lifted my head and looked at him. He looked up and then at me. I shook my head and mouthed yes.
Jack J 👽✌️
YESSSS!!!!!OH THANK YOU! You won't regret it!
I locked my phone and i started to fall asleep.

Matt's POV
All of went to our hotel rooms. The girls fell dead asleep. Jack G carried Emily, Hayes carried Amy, Jack J was carting Vianey, Nash carried Zoey, and I carried Patrica. We all split up and off to sleep it was.

Amy's POV
I feel a huge pain on the side of my stomach. What the hell..? What time is it. I try to keep my eyes open. When I finally get them open I noticed that Hayes was faced opposite of me. I turn over and it 3 am. I grabbed my phone and turn on the flashlight. Nash & Zoe where in the bed to the side Hayes was at and Taylor was right next to me. I didn't want to wake up Hayes because well I don't want him to worry. God it feels like my stomach is about to explode. "Tay?" I whispered.

Taylor's POV
I heard someone call my name. Eh it probably my dream. "Tay! Taylor I need you. It's me Amy!" I heard someone whisper. I turn around, open my eyes and see Amy in a ball on her bed crying. "What's wrong, what time is it?" I said whispering. "It 3 but my stomach hurt and so does my head, I feel dizzy. I don't feel good" she responded. "Come here" I said motioning her to come next to me. She gets up and cries more. Oh god what the hell do I do. Emily......

Emily's POV
I hear a familiar ringtone. "Baby you got a body like a Benz" I know that ringtone from somewhere. I open my eyes and see Taylor calling me. The heck? "Hello¿"
"Hey Emily I have a problem"
I hear like someone crying and whimpering in the back.
"What happen, Tay"
"Well Amy doesn't feel good. She's really warm, her stomach hurts and so does her head. She's very dizzy. She has her head in between her leg crying in a little ball. I think we need to take her to the hospital but we can't you wake everyone up"
"Oh okay, I'm coming. I'm going to bring clothes and we will change downstairs in the lobby. Carry Amy and grab some clothes. Thanks meet you down stairs"
I end the call and get up carefully. I have Cameron, Jack G, Vianey and Jack J in my room. "Emily what's wrong?" Cameron says getting up. "Nothing Cameron you ca go back to bed. "No I wanna know" he says making his voice a little louder. "Fine just come with me. I grab some clothes, Cameron's keys and Cameron's hand, as we head out.
{going down the stairs}
"What happen? Why are we up at 3 in he morning" cam kept asking. "Okay Cameron can you let me like try to figure this out" I said. "Figure what out?" He said. "Okay I got a call from Taylor that Amy doesn't feel well, her stomach hurts, her head, she dizzy. She warm etc etc" I said looking at him. "Oh okay, let's go. I'm driving I'll take her to the hospital" Cameron said running down the stairs.

Cameron's POV
Amy is like my little sister and this isn't good. I wonder if she is in her pjs. I open the doors of the stairs and see Taylor with Amy in his arms sitting in the lobby. He looks so sad. "Tay?" I said. His head shoots up, "guys let's go. She keeps getting worse by the minute. She feel asleep I think and she isn't waking up" he said with tears in his eyes. "Wait what?" Thank The Lord she has a gators shirt and spandex. I think Hayes dressed her last night. She was shivering. I took off my hoodie and we put it on her. "Let's go".
Walking to the car there's a loud scream.

I've had a busy week at school and didn't write a lot! I'm gonna try to update every night, at least something!!! So SORRRRYYYY!!!!!

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