Chapter 35

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Emily's POV
We are about to get in the car and there's a loud scream. I immediately look at Amy and she's crying and holding her stomach. "Help me!!!"
"Cameron start the car" I said. I sat In the back with Taylor and Amy. God! Amy is a very sensitive person. "Cameron how far are we from the hospital?" "Couple minutes".

Cameron's POV
After parking the car. Amy just kept screaming in pain. I felt so bad. "Taylor give her to me. I want to carry her" I said to Taylor holding my hands out. Taylor handed me Amy. Emily looked at me a tears rolled down her face. Taylor gave her a hug and she broke down. "I can't stand looking at my friend like this. She's my other half and she's literally dying!" She said crying into Taylor's shirt. "Come one let's go" I said as I walked through the hospital doors. A very young nurse with blonde hair was at the front desk. "Hi I have an emergency my sister won't wake up and she needs fast medical attention. Please help" I said crying now. Amy was getting warmer but she was holding one side of her stomach. Did she hurt herself? I looked back at her face, she was so pale. Lord, we need a miracle and a doctor.

Taylor's POV
I checked my phone while we waited and it was 4:30. Wow time runs fast. "Amy?" I looked up and saw the nurse call Amy's name. We got up and walked over. I can only have 2 people, but your just 3. Just come with me" the nurse said. "Okay thank you miss" Cameron said. He still carried Amy in a tight grip.
He got to the room and set her down. "Here she needs to change into this. The doctor will come as fast as possible" she said with a small smile on her face. I think she thought it was sweet that Cameron literally settled her down and got a chair and started to play with her hair and started to hold her hand. "I'm going to change her so yeah turn around" Emily said grabbing the dress.

Emily's POV
When I started to take Amy's shirt off she has more than 3 bruises around the right side of her stomach. And she has cuts on that side too. She's bleeding a lot. I put the dress over her head and took off her shorts. At that moment the doctor came in and cameron explained everything. Amy opened her eyes and a small smile came upon her face. "I love you Emily" she said crying. "Trust me your going to be fine" I said as I kissed her on the head. "You guys need to leave so we can proceed. Thank you for your information." The doctor said and we went and waited in the outside of her room. There were some chairs.

Jack G's POV
I couldn't sleep. I had an awful nightmare and I couldn't go back to sleep. I go on my phone and it's 5 in the morning. I remembered our flight leaves tomorrow at 5 in the morning. I look and scroll through my phone. I see a tweet from Emily. her and Taylor are hugging and crying and it says "pray for the best". The heck is this all about. I turn over to see Emily isn't there. Neither is Cameron. But Jack and V are there. I get up and walk to Carter's room and everyone is there. Hmmm...okay. I walk to Nash's room. And that's when everything fell into pieces.

Emily's POV
We have been waiting her for like half an hour. Then I get a text from Jack.
Boyfriend Jack 💕
-babe where are you?
~ umm well it's a long story, but we are in the hospital.
~yeah I'm fine but yeah Amy isn't.
-oh do I tell Hayes?
~no not yet.
Nash's POV
I kept hearing someone talk loudly outside. Sounded like Jack. Eh whatever.

Hayes POV
Amy is so soft. She like almost a pillow. I hear Jack talking outside. But I'm not going to let that bug my amazing morning that I have planned out.

Taylor's POV
"Patient Amy?" The doctor says coming out. "Yes?" Cameron shoots up. It's literally been 2 hours. Now it's around 7 and Cameron and I haven't gotten up. Only Emily once to get us coffee. "Well....are you all related to her?" The doctor asked. "Yes, we are"
"Alright then"
"Amy got hurt in her lower right side of her stomach/rib area. Nothing is broken. She just had a small side effect to losing blood. Also did she drink water yesterday. "Sorta, not a lot" Emily said. "Well that also effected it. "
"Right now she is in poor condition. By tonight she should be out" "also she might be a little lost and confused. Try to jog her memory a little.

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