Chapter 29

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Emily's POV
🙊 he started to lean in. Wait do I actually like him is will he hurt me like every other guy does. But his Jack Gilinsky! I leaned in and we kissed!

Jacks POV
Damn that was the best kiss ever! Her lips were soft. Did she use cherry Chapstick? I don't care. I felt like if the world stopped and it was just us two! Should I ask her out now? I'm going to do it!
"Emily, I've been dying to kiss you. And now that I did, I want to kiss you forever. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.......


Amy's POV
"Let's go!" I said and I got out of the car! "Let's go sweetie" Hayes said. As Hayes holds my hand, we interwind our fingers. This feels like just a dream.

Zoe's POV
"Wow this is a beautiful Hotel!" I said. "Yeah go in this room and I'll bring in all the guys" Nash says. "K". So now Abby,Sky,Max, V and I are on the floor waiting for everyone. Soon I start aseeing the guys come in.

Matt's POV
"Okay let's go, elevator or stairs?" I ask. "Elevator please" she said.
*skip elevator time*
"Okay that way" I motioned to her. I knocked on the first door and everyone was there.

Hayes POV
"Cam, do you know what room It is?" I ask him. "Let's try the first one" he says. And he was right. I walk in....

Nash's POV
"Okay all of us are gathered her because we have important news. Well I have important news. Girls and boy you know how we are in Magcon and we travel A lot! We are leaving in 2 days.
"Wait WHAT?" All the girls said.

{short chapter} way to go Nash!

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