Chapter 39

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Nash's POV
IT WAS SOO COLD OUTSIDE! I grabbed Amy's hand and pulled her aside. "Amy...i think we should send Sky and Abby back home, well my home so my mom can take really good care of them" I said. "Yeah I think it's a good idea" she said. "Problem is someone needs to go with them...." I said looking down. "I'll tho. I'll buy a ticket go with them and I'll wait for you and Hayes to come back" she said looking down. "Hey guys let's go" V said holding Jack J's hand. "You distract them and I'll go" she said. "Okay, I love you" I hugged her. "Watch over my sister and keep me updated" she said smiling. We both walked together and when we got in the group I distracted Hayes and everyone else. It worked, Amy sneaked out with Sky and Abby.

Abby's POV
Amy grabbed us and we started walking the opposite way. We got in he elevator and made it to the counter. "Amy why are we here?" I said looking scared. "I miss Nashy" Sky said. "Look it okay we are going to go back to North Carolina" she said. "Wait so you are not going to Magcon?" I said. "No I'm going to go spend it over there with you guys, like a big sister week. Abby that's going to be your new home." She said. We bought our ticket and we waited for our plane. Amy got a call.

Amy's POV
So much was running through my mind. I couldn't say goodbye to Hayes. I miss him, my friends and my family. I won't see them for 2 weeks. I felt like crying but I got a call.
Nash 🙊💕🏄
"I called my mom and will is going to go pick you up, my mom said it's okay with her and that she knows who you are because of Sky"
"Okay yeah......tell Hayes, like later....that I love him"
I hung up.
There was a text from....
Booty 🙇💢
(Which is Carter)
Where are you?
I ignored it and a bunch of messages were being delivered.
Plane 2646 North Carolina now boarding....... As I'm walking to the plane I hear someone scream don't do it. I turn around and see Hayes running with a ticket in his Hand. What the?
"Her you go" he gives the lady checking in. He comes and hugs me. I hug him back. " did....huh?" I said. "I'll tell you in the plane".

Patricia's POV
I knew that Amy wasn't there. I didn't know why. Everyone started to panic but Hayes started to run. No one noticed. I wonder where he went. "Don't worry she will be fine" Matt and Jack G said to both me and Emily. Zoey was literally at the verge of crying. Nash pulled her aside to talk to her then she calmed down. I got super worried!

Cameron's POV
Nash made us all sit down. "Guys I have something to tell you. Amy left to North Carolina with the girls. She had to because Sky and Abby needed to be in a safer place and someone needed to take them there." He finished saying. "Yeah okay but where did Hayes go he ran off" Patricia said. "I think I know where" and all the guys exchanged looks. Even me.

Hayes POV
I got on the plane with Amy. She was sitting with the girls and I was on the other row. I was all alone. After when we could move, Amy got up and went to where the empty seat where next to me. The girls fell asleep. I kissed her. "I missed your kisses" I said letting go. "I missed them too. I don't know how I would go 2 weeks without kissing you" she said giggling. "Me either" is said kissing her again. "Wait can you explain to me everything". She said
"Okay so I over heard you and Nash so I already had a plan. I didn't want to leave you. That's #1. #2 I miss my home. #3 I want you to correctly meet my know as my girlfriend. And lastly #4 I wanna take a chill week from going to Magcon to be with you. I want to get to know you better also!" I finished saying. "Well that's really sweet of you. But what about your fans?" She said looking down. "I'll send a tweet right now" I said. I opened my phone and Amy went and walked over to girl. Huh weird, I guess she didn't want to leave the girls alone, Abby was waking up.
Tweet- @hayesgrier
I won't be at Magcon because I came back to North Carolina to spend it with my girlfriend @grierAmy26, so sorry guys.
I told Amy to come here. "Yeah" she said sitting down. "I want to take selfies". "No I look awful" she said covering her face. She started to take off her sweater leaving her black crop top. I couldn't help but to stare. "Grier?" She said moving her hand. I kept staring she had Abs forming. And she had a flat stomach. "Grier"
"Oh uh sorry for staring" I said blushing. "It's okay" she said giggling. I open my camera and take a couple of pictures. Then we take pictures on her phone. She started to fall asleep so u took the time to post the tweet and take a picture of Amy sleeping and post it.

Emily's POV
I opened twitter because I was bored and I saw Hayes posted a tweet and 2 pictures. I really hate that she had to go to North Carolina. It's not going to be the same. "You ready babe?" Jack G said kissing my cheek. "Yeah I guess" I said.

Zoe's POV
I miss my sister. We technically were never apart. I looked down at my phone and back at Nash. He had his arm around me. I look up and see Max filming a vine with Taylor, Cameron and Carter. I was planning on telling Amy something I didn't know if she wanted to hear. I always wanted to tell her, but I waned he to be more mature. I couldn't hold it in. I look at Patricia and she is cuddling with Matt. They are going to last, I know that for certain. "Babe let's go" Nash said kissing father top of my head. He held my hand. I looked at Pat and Emily. Jack and Matt held there hands. Same with V. Max, Taylor, Carter, Shawn and Cameron Just walked along. The spark of the group was gone. Amy would make it fun. All the girls lost there sparks.

Cameron's POV
The car ride was awkward because no one talked. Everyone was on there phone. I know Nash was texting Hayes so I texted Amy.
Princess #1 👑🌸
"Hey Amy"
"Hey Cam"
"How was the flight"
"It was good, we are finishing checking in and now we are going to find our luggage. Tell the girls and Max that there sweaters which are technically mine are in my bag so they better find, but it use theirs"
"Okay love 😂"
"Yeah Hayes is just meeting fans"
"I literally feel like me and Hayes are married and we have 2 little girls"
"Lord have mercy 😂"
"Cameron, is it okay that I feel bad"
"Why would you say that"
"Amy? Are you okay?"
I look up and see Zoe crying a little but Nash didn't see it. No one did. Everyone had there head pieces on. I go on Twitter and the amount of Hate the girls are getting is big. But the bigger amount is Amy and Zoe.

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