Chapter 36

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Jacks G's POV
I couldn't wait to tell Hayes. I felt bad but Emily told me not to say anything. I get an incoming call.
Girlfriend Em 👑
"Hey Jack"
"Hey Em, any news?"
"Yeah well....."
"Well what?"
""Amy got hurt in her lower right side of her stomach/rib area. Nothing is broken. She just had a small side effect to losing blood. She also didn't drink enough fluids"
"Woah, how did she get hurt?"
"Probably when Hayes jumped with her in the lake she hit herself with rocks or something"
"Yeah can I tell Hayes now?"
"Is he up?"
"I don't think so"
"Umm Jack what was that?"
"I think Hayes is up!"
Bye love.

Hayes POV
I open one eye and look around to see what time it was. When I look over where Amy was. Well she wasn't there, neither was Taylor? I wait a while because you know they could be in the bathroom.
I got worried because neither of them came out of the bathroom. I heard Jack talking to someone then I heard the words "hey Em, any news?" And "well what?". At that moment I knew they where talking about Amy. I would hear Emily saying Amy.AMMMYYY! I screamed just to make sure. Zoe stuck head up and went back to sleep but Jack went through the doors.

Jack G's POV
I wanted to tell Hayes already! Fine I will. I opened the door and see Hayes on the bed super worried. "Where's Amy and Taylor?" He said mad. "Dude chill" I said walking over. "WHERE ARE THEY?" He said crying and kind of screaming. At that moment Nash got up and so did Zoe. They looked over to Hayes like really pissed off then they noticed Hayes was crying.

Nash's POV
I hear people screaming and they are disturbing my sleeping time. AAARGGGHHH I HAD IT. "What's your prob...... Wait Hayes is crying! "Hayes.... Poo? Are you okay?" I hear Zoe say. "Look guys I have something to tell you but you can't freak out or scream.

Zoe's POV
Jack G looks worried. "The reason Amy isn't here is because......well she's in the hospital" he said looking at me and Hayes. "Wait what do you the hospital?" Hayes said getting confuse and worried. "Yeah Amy wasn't feeling well last night and it was really bad. Cameron, Taylor, and Emily took her to the hospital and apparently she hurt her right side. She hurt herself yesterday and didn't see it. But she okay, tonight she can come back. Only thing is that she has lost so much blood, people need to jog her memory" Jack said. "WAIT WHAT? SO YOUR SAYIN MY GIRLFRIEND IS IN THE HOSPITAL AND NO ONE TOLD ME?!?!" Hayes said screaming. "Calm down" Nash said. "NO I WON'T CALM DOWN. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO ANALYZE THIS INFORMATION" Hayes said crying and screaming. There was a knock at the door. Patricia? "Hey can you shut it I'm trying to sleep" she said pissed off! "No I don't want to" Hayes said crying. He got up, grabbed his phone and ran to the bathroom.

Patricia's POV
"What's that all about?" He said pointing to the bathroom. "I'll go talk to him" Zoe said getting up. "Um well?" Jack said. "What happen...?"
"Amy is in the hospital she got hurt and she doesn't feel well"
"Oh.....WHAT THE HECK! What our Amy?"
I see Hayes coming out of the bathroom. "We are going to the hospital...NOW!" He said. "I agree" I said looking at him. He comes and pulls me in a tight hug. "You know I always got your back" I said. "Yeah I know you do" he said laughing. "I'm gonna go tell Carter, Matt and the rest. Who is gonna drive?" Hayes said kind of sad. "Ummm......I'll drive" Nash said. "Let me text Em" that all I heard, as I walked through those doors.

Cameron's POV
I got an incoming call from Hayes? Oh no, here it comes.
"Yo dude"
"Hey, look all of us are on our way to the hospital. Is Amy okay?"
"Yeah she's okay but only 2 people at a time so yeah......let me ask the nurse if 3 people can be in here"
"Okay but send us the address and the floor number. Also did anyone call her mom?"
"Emily did but she can't come. She stuck in Europe on the business trip. She is gonna try her best."
"Oh okay"
"But Emily called her aunt and she's on her way here. She felt so bad"
"Okay be there in a minute"
I hung up. I looked at Amy and she looked miserable. She hasn't waken up. It's 7 and she hasn't been up since 5:30.
I wonder if it's the medicine they gave her.

Amy's POV
I feel so bad. All I see is dark then I realize I've been sleeping. I open my eyes and see people in my room. Then more people came in my room. And all of them had either a teddy bear or flowers. "Um excuse me...?" I said. "Oh Amy you've awaken" Emily says I remember Emily. I feel like I got a blank on these people. "Emily and Cameron?" I said. "Do you remember me?" A boy with boy eyes says.....

Thank you for the 900 reads! I got news that my 16 year old cousin is pregnant. 😯😱😱😱😱 I know and I've been sick! Tom also came 😪 lady thing 😒 well I'll keep updating!

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