Chapter 33

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Jack G POV
I wonder where Emily is at? "Let's go to the living room and wait" I suggested. I looked at Hayes and he was about to punch the wall or rip someone's eyeballs out. I looked at where Hayes was looking and there was some guy with Amy on his shoulders and Emily hugging him. I guess it was Cody, but what does he have to do with Emily are they related? They better be because his hands can't be any lower than that. Was I getting jelly? And then Zoe gets on his other side. With there dog in the middle. I look at Nash and he looked the same as Hayes did. I think we are all jelly.

Patricia's POV
Vianey and me were talking about clothing and how I loved her Hakuna Matata shirt and them everything got silent. I looked up and saw Gilinsky, Hayes and Nash about to kill someone and when I looked I knew why.
Cody was carrying Amy and hugging Emily & Zoe. But there dog is adorable! Oh no here it comes the word vomit. "ERMMM" I said loudly. "Oh you guys are done already" Zoe says confused. Everyone understood, it was just them 3 that thought something else. " to introduce?" I said while opening my eyes and pointing at the 3 jellys. "Oh this is Alexa my aunt and Cody my cousin" Emily said. Gilinskys face turned from angry to relieved. "Yeah Cody is like my little baby brother that I wanna kill sometimes" Zoe said while head locking Cody and giving him a nuggy! Nash looked relieved. Now just Hayes. "Yeah his my little nugget, my lil twin" Amy said smiling. But Hayes wasn't buying it. "Anyways I'm going to go get dressed" Amy said as Emily and Zoey followed. And of corse there dog followed Amy up the stairs.

Amy's POV
What's Hayes problem, god! His just my old friend that I haven't seen in forever. I was thinking and repeating all this in my head. I go and open my suit case and take out a light purple triangle swim suit and a tied in front batman shirt. Cookie is next to me, with her head on my lap. "Hi love, I missed you so much. Don't worry Hayes won't separate us" I said while petting her head. I go in the bathroom and change. I left my hair down and it turned out wavy. Ripped white washed Booty shorts and my Michael Khor sandals.
*walking out of the bathroom*
Emily is wearing a blue swimsuit that has suns and moons. And of course her "what up tee shirt reference" tank top I got her of her favorite youtuber! SUPERWOMAN! Her black shorts, cute sandals and hair in a ponytail. Zoe came out with a pink tied in the front shirt with an anchor and white washed shirts. Her hair in 2 messy braids and cute pink sandals.
"Let's go"

Nash's POV
"Dude, Amy doesn't like that kid. Chill the f down." I said to Hayes. At that moment the girls were walking down the stairs. "You ready...or nah" Amy said looking at me. Then her face turned blank when she looked at Hayes. She walked pass him and he grabbed her hand. "Look I don't want you to be hanging out with Cody" he said. "Why not?"
"Because he clearly likes you and I don't want that"
"Wow just because you assume doesn't mean it real" she finally said rolling her eyes and walking away. She sat next to Cameron, then there dog sat on top of Amy's Lap. Wow.....Amy never gets this upset" Zoe said looking at me. Jack and Emily sat down together in the couch and waited for Jack J to come out of the bathroom. He needed to "go".

Emily's POV
We all started to walk outside and I saw Hayes pulling Amy aside. I guess they made up because they starts hugging. Then I see cookie running and jumping on Amy. She fell with cookie on her. Hayes laughed so hard and then cookie jumped on top of him. I payed so much attention that Jack put his arms around my waist and twirled me around. "Awww Jack your so sweet" I said as he put me down. "Only for my best" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. Slowly he pulled me closer until we had a long passionate kiss.

Cameron's POV
I started to look at everyone. Jack and Emily were kissing. Nash caries Zoe bridal style. Matt has Patricia on his back, V and Jack were doing random poses. I took pictures with them. But Amy and Hayes were talking and hugging. "Hi Cam, I want to take a picture with you" Amy said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sure" I said. I bend down. "Wait aren't I going to brake your neck, I weigh a lot" she said. "Just get your not!" I said. As she went on my shoulders I carried her up and we took a cute picture. And cookie came out in the back jumping in the water. She is so cute. She should meet my dog!

Hayes POV
All of us started to take off our shirts (guys) and the girls where doing there thing. There swim suits where so cool, so vibrant, so summery! I signaled the guys and Cameron signaled Bryant, Cody,Sam, & Alexa to record. I walk over the Amy and grab her bridal style while the guys follow me. And at 3 we all jumped into the lake together. "Really Hayes" Amy said coming up from the water. "Yeah really" I said as I leaned in to kiss her. Everyone followed my lead.

Amy's POV
When we went into the water I hit myself on my side. It hurt but whatever. It wasn't anything big.

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