Chapter 45

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Jack G's POV
I see Emily running but I don't know where. I walk up to Amy and ask "where's Emily going?". "I don't know Jack" she says. Amy runs after her and I join her. Amy runs fast but I'm not giving up. I want to take her but I don't know anymore what to do.

Emily's POV
I don't want Jack G to leave. I don't know where running to but I give up. I stop running and look behind me and see Amy. "I don't know what to do Amy!" I said sliding slowly against a wall. I felt like my life was ending, like this big wave of shock just destroyed my heart and happiness. Like everything was falling apart. Like an anxiety attack was about to happen.

"Breath in breath out" Amy said. She sat next to me. "Look Emily, we will figure something out. If you have to leave and go with Jack, well don't worry about me or the rest." She said hugging me. "It's not even that. It just hurts that he wouldn't tell me so I would have taken the time to think" she said leaning her head against mine. "Well what are you going to do?" She said. "Well I don't want to leave you but I want to be with him. I don't believe in long distance relationships. I guess the only choice is to.....brake up!" I said tearing up even more. "No no no! We can figure out something, Emily it's not going to end up that way." She said showing s couple of tears. "Go with Jack, don't worry 2 weeks and a half aren't going to separate the love we have for each other. We will always be Amy and Emily the strong, brave dance buddies. One love Superwoman! We will always be One Love, just like Superwoman says." She finished saying. "You sure?" I said. She nodded and I see Jack running across the street. "Em.....ily.....wait.....Emily!" He said trying to catch his breath. "Look Jack I'm going to go with you don't worry I talked to Amy and well that's how the plan is going to be" I said. "Are you sure your not going to regret going with me?" Jack said. "Nope, she wants to be with you soo yeah" Amy said walking off. I hugged Jack and I see Amy call someone. She started to walk out and when I looked at where she was walking she was gone.

Hayes POV
We went back to the hotel and I had all the girls trophies and prizes. I see Jack coming back with Emily but no Amy. "Guys where's Amy?" I said. "I thought she was already here. She walked out when me and Jack made up." Emily said. "Wait so you don't know where she is?" I said. "No Emily" said calling her! "She isn't answering!" Emily screamed. I looked around to see if I could find Patricia but she wasn't there! "Where's Patrica, Matt?" I said. I don't know I didn't see her after the incident. "Well she isn't answering either" Emily said. "Well them hat do we do?" Matt said worried. "Call the cops?" Cameron suggested. Then there was a knock on the door. I walk and open the door. This little box was at the door. I opened the box and it had the girls phones and a note.

Dear Nash, Hayes, Cameron & Matt,
Hi there, I see that you have Amy and Patricia's Phones. Right now we have them and we are hurting them. They deserve it. Don't brother looking for them. By the end of this week if Hayes and Matt don't brake up with Amy and Patricia....well they won't live to see the next day. Unless you date us. If you want to come and see them come to 1124 St 9th front of the black building. Don't bring others....only Hayes and Matt.
~ Love, L & S

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