Chapter 15

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Sky's POV
I can't believe I'm standing in-front of the Amy!!!! "H...hi!!" I said "hi there Sky" she said "how do you know my name?" I said. "We'll I saw your vines this morning with Nash" she said smiling. "Can I get a hug?" I said. "Always!" She said as she started carrying me in my arms and I gave her the biggest hug ever. "You wanna take a selfie?" She asked me "YESSS"
We took the selfie and she put me down. "Look Sky this is Abby my sister" she said "hi Abby nice to meet you, do you like horseys? "Yeah I love horseys" she said "can we go play!" I ask "yes let's go".

Max's POV
"We'll I'm a get going, coming Emily?" I asked her. "Yeah let's go" she said. "Where are you going?" Amy asked "I'm going to go hang out with your brother" Emily said. "Oh okay" Amy said. And Emily and I were off.

Patricia POV
I knocked on the door and Amy showed up and I saw Hayes and Nash. "Sup guys" I said. "Sup" Nash and Hayes said. "You ready Amy!" I said "yeah but we're gonna have Hayes with us" she said. "Yeah it's fine as long as the stuff we say stays between us" I said. He nodded and looked back at Amy. And we went up stairs

Zoey's POV
" So Nash.....?" I said as I sat on the couch. "Yeah...." He said.
"Look I know I just met you this morning and I know that i don't know anything about you but I wanted to tell you that your beautiful and you make me feel so happy! And I want to get to know you better" he said as he smiled. "Awwwww yours so sweet" I said. "Why don't we watch a movie in my room" I said as I winked at him. "Yeah that's fine" he said.
[going up stairs]
I went to Amy's room and opened it I see Amy on her bed looking at her phone and Patricia on the floor and Hayes I think in the bathroom. "Amy remember to use protection!" I said laughing. At that moment Hayes came out the bathroom laughing and so was Nash. Amy wanted to kill me😂 anyways have fun. I closed the door and we went to my room. I turned my tv and laid in bed. Picking a movie. "I'm gonna go check on Sky. Also where is your sisters room?" He said laughing. "Next door idiot" I said.
*5 minutes later*
He plopped down next to me. "What movie?" "Oculus, that's my favorite movie, do you like horror movies?" I asked. "Sorta" he said "oh we'll"
I put my head on Nash's chest. He is so comfortable. Slowly I started to fall asleep. Then the darkness took over me.

Nash's POV
We were watching Oculus and I almost shit my pants. Then I heard little snores and I look down and see Zoey sleeping. I get the remote and turn off the tv. And went to sleep with her. My eyes closed and I was sound asleep.


[if you have never seen the movie and you like horror stuff, that's a good movie you should watch it. It's pretty good]

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